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Princess Violetta Lavender Toadstool was always within the shadow of her much prettier and older sister, Princess Peach Toadstool. Vi noticed when the mushroom people compared her to their sister. For example, people say, "you should be more like your sister." Or, "Your sister is so much prettier than you." And "Who is that? I think it's Princess Peach's sister. What was her name again?" She hated it.

The only people who notice her are her sister and the evil reptilian, King Bowser Koopa. They are the only two who avoid her due to her appearance. When she was young, she got cursed by an evil wizard, leaving her with a more frightening appearance. Snow white hair, large purple eyes, large flanges, and wolf-like appendages, being her large ears, tail, and legs. Because of this, Vi spends most of her time away from the castle and home stress. It always made her sick that people looked at her like a monster. It's not her fault, after all. No one would care anyway. The Princess is practically invisible most of the time. Depending on her mood, she would spend her time reading, writing, or drawing. Maybe she would even paint.

The young wolfie princess feels like all of Pipe World is against her. Little did she know that she wasn't the only one. In the real world, Amelia felt the same. She goes unnoticed by others and barely gets any credit for her hard work, while her step-brothers, the eldest Mario and the youngest Luigi, always get all the credit. I guess the rumors about forgetting middle siblings are true, plus there is the fact that she looks much more different with her big puffy orange hair and dark-toned skin with her even darker eyes.

Anyways the Mario brothers don't even mention the one lonely sister they have, and she does everything she can to get attention with her loud voice, hyperactive attitude, and positive outlook on life. Amelia's siblings sometimes acknowledge her, but it still isn't enough. They live their life as plumbers in Brooklyn, New York. However, Amelia felt that there was more to life than unclogging drain pipes and her brothers thought she was crazy. "Nothing's better than fixing pipes, sis!" they'd say.

But Amelia thirsted for adventure, some unquenchable by fixing a broken water pipe. Then one day, she and her sibling's life changed when they unclogged a tub which pulled them into a new world. A world is known as Pipe World, where they found themselves in the mushroom kingdom.

Vi and Amelia became the best of friends soon after they met. Princess Peach was surprised to see her sister turn quickly from a shy-timid dog to one of excitement and energy. She was so used to seeing her being so introverted and secluded. Now she is running off with this new human and exploring and having fun with a massive smile on her face. And she was the only one to be surprised; the Koopa king was taken aback by Vi's new sense of confidence, although not entirely upset about it. Somewhere in his cold heart, he felt a warmth he never knew when he saw her smile for the first time in a long time.

The kingdom felt peaceful for the new arrivals; however, it didn't last, for King Koopa had come back to terrorize the mushroom people. Princess Toadstool, Mario, Luigi, Toad, Princess Violetta, and Amilia had found the beginning of a new and exciting adventure.

(Hope you like the edit tell me your thoughts, should I continue?)

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