Chapter FortyEight

Start from the beginning

B. 3RD 

C. 4TH 

D. 5TH, Timer starts now

Pine tree and Will at the same time they pressed the button and they looked at each other so teacher Marianne called will to answer the question.

"Will what is your answer?" Teacher Marianne ask Will

"Letter B" Will answer

"B. is correct"

"Nice Job Will" Catherine smiled him

"Thanks"He smiled back while his face is reddish like a tomato

 5th question: Rain drops fall from great height. Which among the following statements is true regarding it? 

A. their velocity increases and they fall with the same velocity of the earth

B. they fall with the same ultimate velocity

C. their velocity increases and they fall with different velocities on the surface of the

D.  they fall with that ultimate velocity which is different for different droplets.

Anthony Press the button "Letter D"

"D is correct"

"All of students are tight score in this easy round and now we are in the average round be ready and listen carefully" Ma'am Marianne said and she is now done with asking question so Teacher Samantha our History teacher will now ask us in the average round

Average Round

"Good morning students, now we are in the average round it contains 2 points in each question. The last question has 3 point okay!" Teacher Samantha said 

I notice Nina she begin to feel nervous on the average round but i hold her hand and I said: "Don't worry" I smiled


Pine tree press the button "Letter B"

"B is correct" 

2nd question: about how many bees does it takes to equal the weight of one M&M's plain chocolate candy? A. 1 B. 10 C. 97 D. 100, 20 Sec. starts now

"Letter B" Anthony answer

"B is correct"

3rd question: The of a star is two times the mass of the Sun. How will it come to an end?  

A. Neutron Star 

B. Blackhole 

C. White Dwarf 

D. Red Giant

"Letter A." I answer

"A is correct"

 4th question: Which among the following is used for by artificial satellites? 

A. The frequency of 101 series 

B. Radio waves 

C.  A. M. 

D. Microwaves, 20 sec. starts now.

Will pressed his button and he answer "Letter B."

"B is correct" 

5th question: What is the order of a matrix? 

A.  number of rows X number of columns 

B. number of columns X number of rows

C. number of rows X number of rows

D. number of columns X number of columns

"letter A" Will answer the question

"A is correct"

After the average round, we begin to the last round, I never image that the quiz bee competition would be like this, after we finish are 10 minutes break we began to step-up in front and finish our last round. 

Difficult Round

"Students this will be our last round be ready i'll give you 8 question but the last question has 5 points.Good Luck." Sir. Max our Math teacher ask

1st question: Earth's core is made of____? A. Carbon and Iron B. Helium and Hydrogen C. Nickel and Iron D. Carbon and Helium. 20 Seconds starts now.

Harmony quickly pressed the button and she answer "Letter C"

"C is correct" One point for Class 12 section 4

2nd question: Subduction tends to form? A. Gyres B. trenches C. Ridge D. Plate. 20 Sec. starts now

Pine tree pressed his button answer "Letter B"

"B is incorrect" I quickly pressed our button and I answer "Letter D"

"D is correct"

After awhile, we're in the last question of our Math and Science quiz bee, Sir Max give us the last topic about Dimensional Geometry.

8th question for five points:  Distance of plane r⃗ ⋅(2i^+3i^−6k^)+2=0, from origin is____? A. 2     B. 14 C. 27 D. -27. I'll you 30 seconds to solve this problem starts now.

Nina and I start to solve that problem very quickly I glace over to Pine tree and his partner arguing by solving the problem while Harmony and her classmate has been struggling by solving the problem. while everyone is busy by solving the problem We hear someone pressed the button and we surprised that Will from class 12 answer the last question.

"Letter C"

"C is correct, The winner of the Math and Science Quiz Bee competition is William Grey and Catherine Lane Class 12 section 3, 2nd place Bill Cipher and Nina Huggs from Class 12 section 1, 3rd Place  Dipper Pines and Carl Anderson Class 12 Section 2. Congratulation Students" Sir Max announce the winner of the competition.

After the competition is over Pacifica hug Pine Tree and congratulate us and I ask her if Shooting Star know that we're in the second place and she said:

"Don't worry Bill I already text Mabel that Will is the winner" Pacifica laugh

"Thanks, by the way guys congrats to us" I smiled

"Yeah! Will your very fast in solving the problem" Pine Tree complement Will by winning the competition

"Not really, its just the hunch" Will smirk


"Yeah, while you are having a problem by solving the equation we just talk and decide what letter we pick at" Will cross his arms

"Your good" Pine Tree feel little bit upset of what he did

"At least we did our best in the competition" I smirk

While everyone is talking we hear our school bell rang and everyone starting to went out of their classroom and I saw Shooting Star walking, I wave my hand and call her name but she didn't notice me.

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