Chapter FortyNine

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Mabel Pov

The school Bell rang and everyone is going out to have lunch then suddenly Celeste called me and she use her magic to close the door. She walk slowly towards me and her attitude change.

"You know Mabel when I first met you, you're pretty and friendly person. In fact the both of you are perfect together but in the future are you sure his the one" Celeste smirk and she cross her arms around her.

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Well, you two been dating for a year now and I just notice did my brother introduce to you to our parents?" Celeste ask curious

"N..N..Not yet" I suddenly blush

"hmm...really not yet you need to be ready cause our parents is very strict by the way if my brother introduced you to me I would not vote for you beside I already like his ex before you enter into his life" Celeste smirk

I shock what she said to me, I said to myself "He has another ex, I thought Alice was his first but yet again he has another one" I grasply my remedial assignment papers and I said: "Please excuse me" I politely excuse

She snap her fingers and she undo the magic to open the door. while I was stepping outside of the classroom, I hear Bill called me but I pretend not hear him, suddenly I run into the corridor but I bump to someone and my remedial assignemt papers and the paper of someone I just bump has been mix and I fell on the ground while I  was touching my head and hear someone said:

"Sorry miss are you okay?" I glance up and then a boy suddenly lend his hand towards me.

"Miss are you okay?" He ask

"Yeah!" I grab his hand to help me to get-up

"I'm sorry" He apologize

"No, it is my fault that I'am run and didn't notice where I am going" I said

We pick our pilles of papers on the ground and he said to me:

"That was dangerous miss, you need to be careful" He hollow

I look down and feel embarrassed but he said: 

"it's okay miss you don't need to feel embarrassed, but next time don't run in the corridor it's our school rules okay!" He smiled and he walk

While he is in half way of the corridor I shout saying "Thank you" he turn around and he smile at me. after the class is over Dipper and Pacifica walking towards me.

"Mabel, Bill called you earlier at lunch" Dipper said 

"Sorry I didn't notice" I lied

"Well aren't you going to talk to him?" Pacifica ask 

"Sorry, but I'm very busy right now I have my remedial class assignment so" I hear Bill is calling me

"Shooting Star" Bill called my name

I grab Dippers hand and he said: "Hey Mabel what's going on" Dipper ask curiously

"What just happened?" Pacifica didn't know whats going on

I glance a little bit and I saw Bill suddenly talk to Pacifica. While Dipper and I suddenly walking slowly he start notice my behavior today, he ask me what's going on.

"Mabel is everything alright?" Dipper put his right arm into my shoulder

I grasp my backpack and smiled at him but he knew that there's a problem. While I was looking at him straight I notice the way he look seem he was worried about me but he said : "if you don't tell me it's okay I know you don't want my help this time but if you can't handle the situation don't hesitate to ask me okay" he pat my head and I said " thanks Dipper" I smiled.

We continue to walk straight home, and finally arrived at the mystery shack we saw grunkle Stan was chopping the woods and Soos was helping him

"kids welcome home" Grunkle Stan saw us

"hey Grunkle Stan what you're doing?" Dipper ask

"oh just chopping woods, how was school? Did you win the competition? " Grunkle Stan ask

"Will was the first place Bill is in second and I 3rd place" Dipper feel a little disappointed to himself

"hahahahahahaha" Grunkle Stan laugh

We entered the house and Grunkle Ford was sleeping on the table by doing his research. I walk up stairs and Dipper feel worried, I closed the door of my bedroom and jump into the bed and I starting to cry and said to myself:

"Even we've been dating for a year now there a lot of things I didn't know about him even for his past girlfriends is there something that Celeste wants to tell me"

After I stop crying I change my clothes wear light blue sweater and Grey shorts and someone knock to my door and I hear Grunkle Stan called me.

"uhh, Mabel do you want to come with us to the Chinese restaurant" Grunkle Stan invited me

"sure I'll be there in a minute" I said

While I was going out my phone just ring I grab my phone and pressed my notification bell, someone just sent me a request message, when I open click it a boy name Yohan Kingsley and he chat to me said: Miss Pines our papers was mix up I thinks this is your remedial assignment he sent a picture I was suddenly shock...

To be continued


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