Chapter Five

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Mabel POV
It's been 2 weeks since bill and I became couples then I tell uncle Stan and uncle ford that bill is studying in the same school that me and dipper studied and dipper can't believe that bill is my boyfriend but even though dipper accept bill and giving him another chance..

"Ring Ring Ring Ring" I hear my alarm clock and I turn it off, I woke and dipper is still sleeping "dipper time to wake up" I pat in dipper's shoulder "okay!" Dipper still sleeping "Hey Dipper, Pacifica is here" uncle Stan shout down stares "What!! Pacifica!!" Dipper rise on his bed and change his clothes quickly

"Good morning Pacifica" I smiled "Good morning is dipper ready" she said "Well dipper is really a slow poke" I triumph "Hey Mabel stop saying all the weird stuff about me" dipper fierce " I was just joking around" I said "come on guys we're gonna be late" Pacifica grab dipper's hand tightly "okay kids have fun see you later" uncle Stan wave his hand to us and we wave him back..

While walking going to school I saw bill is waiting at the shed, "Good morning guys and good morning to you shooting star" Bill smile at us "oh! G..Good Morning Bill" I suddenly blush to my face "oh! Good morning Bill" dipper smirk, "well I can't believe that you and bill are officially couples" Pacifica surprise..

"Well I love my little Shooting star" bill smiled "don't forget bill you promise to my sister okay" dipper said " I know that because I will do my best to make my Shooting star happy" bill give a word, after that we finally arrive to our school today is Mr. Smith's will give us some surprise test about algebra 3 and I began to panic

"Grenda did you study about algebra?" I ask grenda if she study today's test "uhh..well I little" Grenda didn't sure if she study well "you two didn't study Mabel and grenda?" Candy shock "sorry I forgot to study" I said "eh!!!Shooting star you didn't study" bill laugh "oh! Shut up bill" I irritated.

Mr. Smith has entered our classroom to start the surprise test in algebra, "Okay class bring out your one whole shit of paper and your pen, especially don't look at your classmates paper understand" Mr. Smith said "Yes Sir" Students begin the test,

After 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish the surprise test students pass their test paper forward to Mr. Smith and I'm really exhausted because the surprise test that Mr. Smith give us it's really hard to think to solve the problems.

The bell finally rang then grenda and candy grab their lunch box and they want to seat beside me to eat lunch together but Suddenly I saw bill and his friends are hanging out outside the classroom to get some lunch..

Bill POV
Me and friends went to cafeteria to get some lunch and all of the sudden someone call my name behind my back "Bi..Bill" and I turn around is Will my best friend his in same section as pine tree and Pacifica.

"Will what's up dude??" I said with a smirk "Well I was wondering if I could joined you guys?" Will embarrass "hey bill who's you talking too?" My friend ask "guys this is my friend Will" I introduce to my classmates.

"He..Hello classmates" Will feels nervously to introduce to himself "Bill your friend is really shy" my friend said "Well he is really shy since we were kids" I explained to my friends "Oh!! That's why you really are shy Hahahahahaha" classmate laugh, after are lunch is over the next class is biology class with Ms. Blue..

Mabel POV
The biology class was start in 1pm with Ms. Blue then I saw bill who is with him after he entered to our classroom, So I ask him, "Bill" I said "What is it shooting star?" Bill smiled "Well who you talking too?" I said curiously "His Will my best friend, his a demon too just like me but right now he transform to a human form just temporary" Bill explained

"Oh really!! So why is he doing here in our school?" I ask again "Well his parents move here in the human world because his parents has a new job here in gravity falls" Bill said "okay!" I smile, after the last subject was over candy and grenda waited me in the hallway to have a slumber party.

"Mabel!!" Grenda and Candy wave at me "Hey guys so what's our plan for tonight?" I ask them "Tonight we're gonna have a slumber party in your house,

If your uncle Stan would allow us to party at your house?" Grenda said "uhm..I will tell uncle Stan and uncle ford okay but be sure the two of you have no boys okay just the three of us" I smirk "okay No boys allow then me and my friends are go in separate ways and I saw Pacifica who is waiting for my brother,

"Pacifica!!" I call her name "Mabel" Pacifica surprise "what are you doing here it's 5pm!" I said "Well..Dipper has a remedial class in English!" Pacifica hollow "Oh! Umh..Hey Pacifica do you want to join me in a slumber party tonight?" I invite Pacifica to join me in slumber party tonight "Me!! I don't think so Mabel" Pacifica roll her eyes at me,

"come on grenda and candy will come over to my house!! But no boys allow!" I smirk "No boys allowed that's no fun but if it's okay I can invite dipper and you will invite bill please" Pacifica wink "Ehh..well Okay but I will tell to grenda and candy later" I feel uneasy.

Dipper and Bill show up "Shooting Star" bill wave at me "Bill" I wave him back "Pacifica why are you still here" Dipper surprise "well..I..ah" Pacifica blushed "Pacifica waited you here dipper" I said "Oh!!! Pacifica wants to walk home with pine tree Hahahaha" Bill teased Pacifica "shut up Bill!" Pacifica irritated "I'm just joking princess!" Bill smirk

"Hey! Mabel wants us to have a slumber party tonight" Pacifica announce about the party "Really wow slumber party this could be interesting" Bill smirk "Party Oh No No No No Mabel uncle Stan don't want to have a party at our house" dipper disagree "come supper pretty please" I give dipper a puppy eyes "100% No Mabel" dipper cross his hands.

"Come on Pine tree it could be fun" Bill encourage with Mabel's idea "dipper pretty please" I said " Okay Okay Okay Okay..But bill don't ever use your powers or anything okay" dipper warned Bill to use his magic "okay pine tree" bill raise his right arm

"Okay! than it settle see you tonight dipper" Pacifica wave her hands "see you shooting star" Bill kiss me on a cheek after we settle are plans for tonight I'm really excited to have a slumber party I can't wait😄😄😄

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