Chapert Eight

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Bill POV
I walk to my house to get some rest and  when I open the door I saw Rad's parents sitting on the couch, "Hello Bill Cipher" Rad's mother greet me "Hello mam!" I'm quite surprise to see them for a long time "How are you Bill it's been ages since we saw you" Rad's father smiled "I'm fine" I smirk "well it's really kind to ask you a favor" Rad's father ask a favor "what is it sir?" I said "well my son Rad will shared with you in this house after you two are graduate in high school" Rad's father explained "WHAT THE HELL!!! WHY??" I shock "well bill you are the most trusted demon we know and you can handle rad and especially you can control him in his mind don't you" Rad's mother smiled "Well ma'am I'm not his baby sitter and I don't wanna use my powers in such a ridiculous things okay"

I irritated "Bill please I don't wanna see my son cause another destruction" Rad's father begging me to help them "Okay Sir but in one condition I will took Rad's power in order to avoid destruction" I suddenly getting serious about this "Very well Bill Cipher it's a deal" Rad's mother and father agree our conditions "Thank you Ma'am and Sir" I hollow, after that, they live my house and I close the door,

I suddenly i shout really hard that I don't wanna share that stupid Rad in my house and especial he always flirt with other girls when he sees it, and I said to myself "I need to protect shooting star no matter what" I said to myself and I getting started to prepared Rad's bedroom before he arrive..

Then someone is knocking in my front door and walk down the stairs when I open the door is Rad he has a red hair, with a black long sleeve and long black slacks.."Hey Bill is nice to see you again my old friend" he smirk "Hello rad is nice to see you too old friend" I fake my smile "Well you got a nice house and look of you you don't seem different when you a human form" Rad giggle "Even you, you don't seems that your parents convince me to take care of you after you destroyed everything" I smirk

"Oh bill I don't really like to share this house with you and my parents said that you have my powers huh!!" Rad turned his eyes really Red "Hey don't even think about it to destroyed this place since you've been in jail for 250 years.."I smirk "well don't be so arrogant Bill I remember you are the most evil among us since Will is so coward demon" Rad turn his eyes around me "shut up, and FIY I change you Know I begin to change my status and mostly I don't hurt anybody" I said

"Okay freak!! Where's my room" Rad grab his bag "in upstairs turn left okay and don't forget tomorrow is your first day of school" I remind him to be ready for tomorrow "Okay" Rad smirk..since Rad is gonna be here for the rest of the year I need to keep on eye of me especially if rad came closer with shooting star I will kill him anytime but for now I need to get some sleep for tomorrow's activity since our cultural festival will start next week..

Monday Morning

Mabel POV
it's Monday morning I need to prepared all my important things and start a new day in school especially I'm really excited to see bill at school later, I walk down the stares then I saw dipper is waiting me outside the mystery shack.

"Mabel lets go we're gonna be late" dipper smiled "okay! Uncle Stan and uncle ford were going to school now bye" I wave them "see you Mabel and dipper" uncle Stan wave back on us, as we headed to our school dipper and I saw a boy with the red hair wearing a white 3/4 sleeve, black slacks and black shoes and more than that I saw bill who is walking with him "Hey dipper, do know if bill and that guy know each other?" I begin suspiciously about that guy

"I don't know but you need ask bill since you and him are the same class right" dipper hollow "okay!" I feel uneasy, after that we've finally arrive to our school, students and teachers are really busy because are cultural festival will start next week and more than that everyone was starting state to our new transferee student.."Hey girls who's that guys he is handsome" girl mumble

"Wow all the girls are staring at me" Rad smiled "oh please Rad don't be so arrogant every time okay" bill rolled his eyes "BiLL!!" I shout and wave at him "shooting star, Good morning" Bill smiled at me "GOOD Morning my lady" Rad grab my hand "Hey stay away to shooting star" Bill begin seriously turn fierce "Hey calm down bill I won't gonna steal your shooting star" Rad smirk "Hey you two knock it off" dipper showed up "Dipper" Pacifica showed up too, But then suddenly the school bell ring, Bill grab my hand and walk away..I feel my hand is getting really hurt "Bill wait my hand" I hold bill's hand and then we stop "Shooting star promise me you won't go near to that person do you understand?" Bill can't turn his head in front of me,

"O..Okay but bill" I grab his hand and I turn him around in front of me then I saw bill begin seriously worried about me "shooting star you promise that you won't cheating on me" bill's eyes suddenly turn red, I'm really scared that bill's eyes wants to kill someone or maybe wants to destroyed everything, I wonder what will happen if bill will continuously being like this, is this our next situation in our relationship??

My First Love MaBillحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن