Chapter Twenty Three

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Mabel POV

it's been one month since Rad return to his home land and he started to study in other school but Bill and Rad are friends again thru that Rad has a letter for me and Bill to say he apologize of what he done to us. I hear my phone ringing then I grab my phone it's Pacifica so I answered.

"Pacifica! why are you calling? it's 4:30am" I feel very sleepy

"Pack your bags now!" Pacifica sounds she is in a hurry

"Why?" I feel tired

"Cause our trip is right now so prepared all your important things and I should call the others okay so get up okay see you later" Pacifica call the others for preparation

"WAIT!" I shock

Then Pacifica call the others to prepared, I walk towards to dippers Bedroom to wake him up.

"Dipper wake up!" I grab Dipper's blanket

"What is it Mabel? It's 4:50am!" Dipper feeling sleepy

"Pacifica wants us to prepared for the camping trip today so get up and get ready okay!" I ordered Dipper to get ready.

After that everything is ready then me and Dipper walk down stairs and suddenly Uncle Stan is ready too. So I call Pacifica If we invite Uncle Stan too for the camping trip.

"Hey Pacifica!" I smiled

"Where are you guys our friends our waiting for you, we are here in the school campus" Pacifica feels inpatient.

"Well Pacifica can we invite Uncle Stan please.." I beg

"ughhh..Okay just hurry it's 5:30am" Pacifica really inpatient right now

So we finally arrive to our meeting place and everyone is really excited in our first camping trip together. We really surprised that Pacifica brought a limousine. then Grenda and Candy run fast to get inside the limousine, Bill, Will and Uncle Stan put our luggage in the back of the limousine. so we take off, everyone is enjoying so Bill and Will taking Pictures, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica and I listening to our favorite song but Uncle Stan and Dipper still sleeping while us is enjoying the trip going to our location. After a while we finally arrive to our destination for our camping trip so Bill and Will set up the tent, Uncle Stan and Dipper set-up for the tables and chairs, Grenda, Candy, Pacifica and I are making dinner for tonight. Then we finally finish all the things for the camping trip.

"Hey kids let's have a scary stories" Uncle Stan is going to tell a scary stories for us.

"Uncle Stan please we already heard your scary stories every camping trip with uncle Ford" Dipper Contempt.

"Oh really? But this time I have a new Scary Story" Uncle Stan grin

"Uncle S..S.S..Stan I'm not sure If you tell the scary story cause you know we're here in the far away forest!" Will start shaking all over his body.

"Come now Will your such a scary cat" Bill feeling annoyed

"it's okay for you to say, cause your so brave and strong not like me" Will feel scared

"Bill don't scared him you know Will has phobia in ghost" I cross my arms around me

"Okay shooting star!" Bill smirk

"Okay children now our scary story is the man in the deep dsrk forest" Uncle Stan Smirk really scary.


"One night a the two campers name Nina and Mia, they enjoying their first camping trip together in the deep dark forest then suddenly while there having fun Nina notice a young man who is watching them very very close. Then Nina called Mia that she saw a man in the bushes watching them but Mia didn't believe Nina saw a man. After 5 minutes a man disappear in the blink of the eye, Mia and Nina went to their tent to take a good night sleep. While their asleep Nina heard someone is walking around there tent and she saw a shadow who is walking closely to their tent and now she begin to scared, and she wake up Mia when Mia is now a wake she saw a shadow too so they pick-up their cellphone but when they see their cp no signal then they open their tent and saw a man who is in front of them and eat them-"Uncle Stan greed

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Will scream so loud that he wants to go home.

"Will stop screaming is just a story" Dipper smirk

"Dipper it's really scary" Pacifica shaking really bad

"! I want to go home" Grenda hides on my back

"Come guys is just a boring story" Bill rolled his eyes

"Bill's right is just a scary story and especially they don't exist" I smiled

"OH alright It's really!" Mysterious old man

"Who goes there? Who are you?" Uncle Stan stand

" I know the man who is watching all campers who is camping in the deep dark forest" Mysterious man smirk scary.

"How do you know the man in the deep dark forest?" Dipper suspicious.


Hi guys sorry for not updating for so long. but please enjoy my new update "My First Love MaBill"

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