Chapter FortyTwo

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Mabel pov
I hear someone is knocking at my window and I saw my alarm clock is 2:48 in the morning but at least is today is Saturday then I walk straight to my window and open it I turn my head left to right and I hear the owl but I think is my imagination so I close the window and walking straight to my bed but before I went to bed I hear someone is calling me then I saw someone is standing in front of me I begin to feel scared and I turn my lamp and I was surprised it was Bill.

"You freak why did you scared me like that" I said

"Sorry shooting star I thought your going to scream?" Bill smirk

"I was going to but if I scream Dipper and Soos will run quickly into my room" I sore

"But I'm definitely miss you so much" Bill begin to hug me so tightly

"Bill I can't breath" I push Bill

"Sorry Shooting star" Bill smirk

"What are you doing here it's 2:57 in the morning" I ask

"Well I just want to visit you that's all cause it's been 2 week that I never see you, sorry that my sister wants me to come home so badly but Monday I will return to the human promise after we visit to our grandparents's house" Bill pat my head

"It's okay:) I understand but I miss you too since you never came to our school or visit my in the mystery shack" I feel a bit upset

"I know but Will told my next Friday will be the Science and Math quiz and Pine tree is the participant and Will too" I said

"Yeah! Wait did Will came to your homeland?" I ask

"Yeah! I text him" Bill smiled

"Why" I ask curious

"It's about my big sister Celeste" Bill hollow

"Is there a problem between you and your sister?" I worried

"My sister will stay here for good and she wants to meet you personally" Bill said

"Sh..she wants to meet me?" I shock

"Yeah! But I'm worried if she meet you" Bill said

"Why are you worried?" I ask curiously

"Before me and Alice are dating, Celeste did something so bad that I couldn't accept of what she's done" Bill tells me about his past

"What did she do that?" I ask

"I don't know, but I feel something that my sister is not agree to our relationship" Bill feel upset

"Hey! Don't worry I will prove it to your sister that I'm worthy to be with you" I smiled tenderly

Bill smile me back and suddenly he slowly closer to me and begin to hug me again, I feel warm when I'm with him.

"You should go back to your family" I said

"But I promise I'll come back to the human world" Bill kiss me on my forehead

He flew away and use his magic to teleport back to his homeland, and I begin to feel that I should work hard that I'm worthy to be his girlfriend. I lay my bed and I close my eyes to get some rest.



I hear my alarm clock and I turn off, it's already 8:00 in the morning, Dipper knock to my door and he was wearing white t-shirt, blue pants and black sneakers.

"Where are you going Dipper?" I ask

"I'm going to get some books in the library" Dipper said

"How about breakfast?" I feel really sleepy

"Soos if making breakfast right now, hey why are you still in bed?" Dipper notice

" didn't get sleep very well last night hehehe" I nervous

"Okay! I will be back at noon, and Mabel" Dipper notice again

"You should clean your room is a bit messy around here" Dipper close the door

I started to stand up and make my bed, I walk downstairs to eat my breakfast then Soos is already prepared the food in the dining room.

"Good morning Mabel!" Soos smiled

"Good morning Soos" I feel a bit sleepy

"Did you sleep well last night" Soos ask

"Well not really" I said

"Oh! Okay let's eat" Soos started to eat

I grab some toasted bread and drink my hot chocolate, After eating Soos clean up the mess and washing the dishes, I walk outside to have some fresh air since it's Saturday, I text Pacifica if she's with Dipper.

"Hey Pacifica"
" you with Dipper right now?"
"No! He texted me he was in the library to get books for the science and math quiz bee, why?"
"Are you free today?"
"If it's okay with you to come with me to the coffee shop?"
"Sure why not, what time?"
"Okay see you later"
"See ya"
End of text

After texting Pacifica, I went back to the mystery shack to get ready, I take a bath and change my clothes clothes wearing pink dress and white sneakers.

"Soos I'm heading out" I open the door

"Be careful, what time will go home" Soos ask

"Maybe around 4pm" I walk out and started to go

I walk to the bust station to wait and I hear my phone ringing, it's Bill who is calling me then I answer my phone call

Phone call
"Hey Shooting Star"
"Are you in the house right now?"
"No! I was going to meet Pacifica in the coffee shop"
"Really! Be careful, I just want to call you that's all cause it's so boring here in my grandparents place since my sister Celeste return"
"Don't worry Bill I'm fine here, enjoy your day in your grandparents house okay, here comes the bus call you later bye"
Phone ended

I'm so stress out right now since Bill is not here. I wonder what is he doing right now?

To be continued

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