[21] Anchor

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The long, braided, stream of water twists and bends to the rhythm of my arms. My gaze remains fixed on the water and I sigh as a grin overtakes me. I take a deep breath and slowly ease the water back into the massive bathtub sized container John brought in for me.

From her place on the couch at the back wall, Liz yips, pumping her fist in the air. She's been my personal cheerleader for the past few hours, and I genuinely appreciate it.

"Now try to conjure some!" she calls out, making sure to send an encouraging nod along my way.

All my previous elation flies away, just like that. "I've been trying for the past three weeks, ever since we got back from Neris. I just can't. I can control pretty well, but I can't conjure."

"Hmm. Maybe try again with the books, try to get a feel for the theory behind magic ya'know, like John said."

I purse my lips, sending Liz a sharp look. "Shouldn't you be training?" I mumble. I cross my arms and nudge at the container with my boot.

"Damn Tori, you needa chill. C'mon, I'll help with the theory okay?" As she says this, Liz skips over to an adjoining alcove, the one outfitted with an oak table and matching chairs with forest green velvet seats. My favorite thinking spot.

She grabs a thick textbook from the shelf and shifts through the pages, motioning for me to join. I take one look at the contents and groan loudly, burying my face in the book.

I already went through all of this. Several times. The Elizer Principle, the Balthazar Laws, Mohr-Edgar Scale... I know it like the back of my hand. But knowing how magic works is not helping me!

The distinct scent of soil invades my nostrils first, followed by a heavy thud on the table. I glance up and come face to face with a strange juxtaposition of nature. An uprooted plant akin to a daisy, but at the top is a rose with silver petals. The petals shimmering under the light reveal faint specks of midnight blue.

Looking further up, I see that it is Ethan who was holding the plant. I say nothing, only raise an eyebrow.

"This is what Justin made. I gave him training homework yesterday and this is what I found today."

Liz sniffs the petals and giggles. She says, "what's wrong? Man was asked to create and create he did."

"I asked him to conjure a single sunflower."

I pause for a moment then say, "so he made a mistake, that's fine. He's still learning. I mean, at least he can conjure something, right?"

Ethan takes a deep breath. He rolls his neck then grabs another textbook off the shelf. He places it in front of us and points to a specific passage. The passage reads;

"Consumption lasting 2 weeks results in mild mana poisoning. Though harmless separately, if left untreated the poisoning evolves and turns lethal, encroaching upon the heart. Common symptoms include conjuring of odd, unnatural, pants when aiming for everyday species, fatigue..."

My eyes instantly flicker to the heading of the page and my heart sinks as I take in the words. 'Effects of Steroids on Earth elementals'.

Liz slams the book shut, glaring at Ethan. "There's no way Justin is taking. No way. Don't be an asshole Ethan, it can be something else."

"You think I like this? Do you have any idea how pissed of I am right now? I believed he was better than that. What kind of a stupid, idiotic, brainless moron is he?"

The two divulge into a full-blown argument but I know exactly what happened. I whistle twice, waiting for their attention.

"It is steroids, but it's complicated. Ethan, you'll come with me, I have a special task for Liz."

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