[10.5] Your Majesty

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"You can't be serious. We are not letting him anywhere near Princess Lina."

Sal continued to glare at the Peninsula Royals seated around the table, focusing on the King of Ferodite. Knowing Mathias was of the same opinion made Sal feel stronger than he knew he was.

Ogre had delivered his ultimatum with the kind of finality that made Sal's insides dry up. The monster had then proceeded to laugh and inform them he will take his leave.

According to the fiend, it was in the Peninsula Kingdom's best interests to use this time to come to a decision.

Mathias cleared his throat before neatly folding both hands on the table. He made sure he had the room's undivided attention before he spoke.

"I understand we are in a difficult position. There is a lot at stake. While a war with Ogre doesn't mean defeat, it does mean millions of causalities in each of our respective domains. Hence, avoiding such a war is our highest priority. That being said, we cannot trust the likes of Ogre. Giving in to him now would be a mistake. It would not only fail to satiate the monster's greed, but it'll also serve as a sign of weakness to our people."

A silence settled onto the room as each Royal digested the truth behind Mathias' words. It was the Queen of Grinlo who spoke first.

She glanced at Lina and frowned, her thin eyebrows furrowing in sorrow. In this manner, with her petite frame enveloped by the pearls and silk of her dress, the Grinlo Queen resembled a broken China doll. Delicate.

"I'm really sorry love."

The words were directed towards Lina, who was not expecting to be addressed directly. Lina simply nodded, but Sal knew the bravery and calm was a front. Behind the smokescreen was a girl frightened out of her wits.

The Queen of Wisp adjusted the collar of her regal military coat before clearing her throat. She tilted her head back slightly, letting her copper curls fall over her shoulder. Her black eyes were trained on Mathias, holding the kind of wisdom one wouldn't expect from her age.

"With all due respect, your Majesty, if we do not accept the alliance there may not be any people left to look weak to. This is not the time to worry over whether we look weak or not. The lives of our people are more important than the reputation of our armies. However, on the topic of trust, I do agree with you. But Ogre did agree to bind himself into multiple magical oaths, so at this point, it matters not if we trust him. Additionally, there is no issue of age. Ogre agreed to wait four years until Princess Lina is 18."

She paused, her gaze briefly darting toward Lina. The Wisp Queen's face softened slightly.

"It's unfortunate. This was not something any of us planned for. I know if it was my sister in her place..."

Mathias tensed. His jaw locked as he refrained from directly speaking the profanities that flooded his brain. He had to play his cards right if he wanted any chance of keeping his Princess safe.

But Lina took action before either Sal or Mathias could. She slammed both her fragile fists on the oak of the table and stood up.

"No more. Father, I know you want to keep me safe but I agree with Her Majesty. This arrangement is the only choice we have. I agree to it. In fact, I believe it is necessary. I... I agree wholeheartedly."

Sal saw how Lina's little shoulders shook even as she spoke such brave words. It broke his heart, knowing her fate was sealed.

What good was an ocean of mana if it couldn't even save one princess?

A low whistle came from across the table. The King of Yisteria grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his mossy green eyes. With painfully dashing good looks and physique chiseled enough to make Queens swoon, Yisteria's King was the very definition of promiscuous. His popularity amongst the populace was only boosted by his status as the youngest of the Peninsula Royals.

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