Chapter 2

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Welcome back to Game on! Chapter 2!

Reviews are much appreciated J


I like to hear your suggestions. I experienced it before, with my other story Runaway Love (Cryaotic X Tobuscus),. Somebody asked if Pewdie and Scott would get something and I hadn’t even thought about it, I liked the idea and worked with it, it changed the story (in a good way I believe), so I like suggestions ;)


On to the story!



Ken didn’t say anything. He stroke Cry’s back as a comforting gesture. “Hey,” Ken softly said when Cry got quiet,” Let’s go inside.” He softly pulled Cry inside the hotel room and guided him to the couch. The paint on the walls was a light beige color, just like the couch and comfy chairs. Cry wiped away his tears while he hiccupped. “Ken, I-“ Cry started to say, but Ken interrupted him. “You don’t have to tell me right away,” Ken smiled softly,” Let’s get you something to drink first.” He stood up and walked towards the direction of the small kitchen. “What is it going to be?” Ken asked,” Soda? Tea?” “You actually have soda?” Cry asked surprised. Ken wasn’t a man who drank soda often, he preferred tea. “Actually,” Ken said, sounding amused,” I don’t.” Cry couldn’t help but giggle. Silly Ken, he thought. “But I would gladly get you some. They have a small shop at the ground floor. It’s open 24 hours.” Ken appeared in the living room, looking at Cry. Cry shook his head,” Tea would be great, I actually have quite the sore  throat.” He put a hand on his throat and swallowed. “Okidoki,” Ken said and disappeared to the kitchen again. Cry looked around the hotel room. “It’s a bright room,” he said, somewhat loudly so Ken could hear it. “Yeah,” Ken said,” but I’m not a fan of the beige.” Cry cocked his eyebrow. “Why not?” Ken entered the room, carrying a tray. “I don’t know,” he said, putting the tray on the table,” It’s just not my cup of tea.” Cry chuckled at the bad pun Ken made. “Yeah,” Ken said, sitting on the couch,” I’m hilarious.” He gave a cup to Cry, who took it with a small smile, and sipped on his own tea. Cry drank as well. After a while of silence and sipping, Ken put down his cup and turned towards Cry. “Cry?” he asked softly and put a hand on Cry’s knee,” What happened? What made you come running here?” Cry put down his tea and sighed. “And why in tears?” Ken asked,” Couldn’t Felix help you?” Cry stiffened by that name. Ken noticed. “Oh.” “That asshole was having one of his moods again,” Cry said bitterly,” didn’t want to get his own drink, using his break up as an reason.” Cry stared at his teacup with an angry frown. “The dick said I’d never experienced something like that, that I didn’t know how much pain it was.. that I-I didn’t have a girlfriend..” Tears welled in his eyes. “And he’s right,” Cry said, hopping off the couch,” I never had a girlfriend!” The anger in Cry made him raise his voice, tears streaming down his cheeks and clenching his fists. Ken quickly stood up from the couch and walked towards him. He reached for Cry, but Cry swatted his hand away. “I-I,” he began to hiccup,” I had.. I h0had a..boyfriend..” Cry’s knees gave in and he fell to the floor. Ken, who had see it coming, caught him in his arms and hugged him tightly. Ken knew what kind of touchy subject this was, he knew about Cry being bi-sexual and the drama that came with his former boyfriend. He also knew how insecure Cry was, all because of that asshole. He stroke Cry’s back, while recalling the memory. Cry and him had gone to the bar, getting drunk in the end. That’s when Cry had told him everything. From him being bi, having a relationship with a man, to the discovery of him cheating on Cry and all the mean things he had said to Cry. Ken had stared at him in shock. Cry probably thought Ken wouldn’t remember it, but he was wrong. The next day Ken could clearly recall everything. “Shhh, it’s going to be okay,” Ken whispered in Cry’s ear,” I’m here. You’re safe. I won’t let you get hurt.” He softly rocked Cry against his chest. “Let it go.” 

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