Mr. Makes Every Girl Swoon (Except For Me)

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Mkay. New Chapter of this story I'm rewriting. Hoping people read this. Vote or Comment. PLEASE COMMENT. I don't really care bout the votes. I appreciate them but I would LOVE comments!!

"Shit." I grumble as I wake up and see I'm late for work. I throw my alarm clock at my door and it falls to pieces. I take a quick shower. Three years at the office and Mikey had always woke me up on time. But this whole week he has been busy.

I put on my work clothes which consists of a pencil skirt with black tights, a white ruffled shirt and a black blazer on top. I brush my hair and get my bag and finally leave for work.

Now that I'm graduating high school I get more hours at work. More hours at work means more money. So I finally can buy a better laptop than the one I have now. I've been saving up for a lot of things. Collage, my own apartment (away from my mom and her husband) and possibly a car. Well not like you really need a car here in New York.

I punch in late and find somebody at my desk. A guy that looks sorta my age drinking from a water bottle.

"You must be Madeline." he says in a British accent.

"It's Maxine...." I give him a confusing look. "And you are sitting at my desk...."

"Ah." he says standing up and patting the chair. "Sorry Maxine. Um you're supposed to help and show me around...."

Mikey or Emma do that. But there was no Madeline in the office.

"Let me just...." I place my bag on the chair: "Go to Sarrah and ...." I walk over to Sarrah our supervisor.

"Mikey?" I see his tall figure appear next to me. "I thought you were sick....."

"I still kinda am. But I need to work." he shrugs. "If I want to stay in collage..." I nod and ring Sarrah's little bell she has.

"Ugh when will you kids grow up and stop playing with the bell!" she says. Mikey laughs.

"Never." I grin. "Listen Sarrah, I have this British boy at..."

"Do you mean Alan? Yeah you're supposed to show him how things are done here." she smiles.

"No one ever show me how to do things!" I accuse her. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows.

"What do you mean? We assigned Mikey to you." she says. I look at Mikey and he cringes.

"I was very busy those days. And anyways you seemed to have gotten a handle of all of it." he smiles. "Oh except that one time with the copy-" I cover his mouth with my hands and smile at Sarrah. She does not need to know who broke the copy machine they had to replace. We start to walk away.

"I missed you." I say. He laughs. That cute adorable laugh. I shake my head. What was I thinking?

"I missed you too." he hugs me in a friendly and then I remember I have that British boy to attend to.

"Hey let's meet up for lunch?" I say. He smirks and leaves. We always meet up for lunch. We're best friends.

"Hey Alan." I yawn. I give him a sign to follow me and I show him around and show how things are done and finally he sits at his owns desk and gets to work.

I hear him flirt with Emma, Ashley and Diana. Their the only ones around his age anyways. Besides me. But he's the Mr. Makes Every Girl Swoon type of guy. All except me. I don't fall for players.

At exactly 12:00 I check out for lunch and head to the elevators where I see Mikey waiting for me. I smile and walk a little faster.

"Can I have a minute?" Alan stops me.

"Sure." I say.

"I really don't my way around here in New York. I was hoping we could I don't know eat lunch together." he says.

"Oh I'm sorry but I already have plans but...." I turn.". "Emma, Ashley or Diana would probably love to eat lunch with you."

"Sure they would. But they're not as charming as you." he brushes his thumb along my cheek.

"Maybe some other day? I sorta have plans..." I say. He nods and leaves. I walk fast and Mikey has a mad look in his face.

"You okay?" I ask ruffling his hair. He doesn't answer immediately.

"Yeah." he says and then pushes the "L" for lobby button right when Alan is heading to the elevator.

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