He didn't hate many things but he sure hated the way these tight ass uniform pants fit on his dick.

Of course, he could complain about it to his boss but he was far too shy to do that.

None of that mattered now. He was nearing his destination.

✷ . * · · ✧ * · + * ˚ . * * ˚ . * . ✫ + · .✷ . * · · ✧ * ·

They say, the streets of Urban Seoul were beautiful and filled with wonder.

A young woman with her child and husband in tow, walking towards a clothes shop.

A middle-aged man walking out of a Smoothie King and talking on the phone.

And an attractive young man just barely avoiding hitting a pedestrian.

"Bloody Hell!"

Taehyung cursed as he swerved to avoid yet another oncoming vehicle. "Learn to drive, jackass!" Taehyung threw his half-empty sprite bottle out the window.

Taehyung chanced a quick look at the car's clock. 6:49 pm. The club opened at 7 pm; he was gonna be late again.

"Damn it.." he cursed to himself yet again. He couldn't afford to be late. He would've been on time but he didn't like the way his outfit had looked and was now clear out of eyeliner, from twenty-two failed trials before eventually giving up and going natural.

It's not like he would look any less appealing, he just liked the way eyeliner made his eye looked "sharp and sultry" as his clients said to him on many occasions.

He didn't really wear any other makeup or cosmetics. He was never good at keeping his hands steady so makeup wasn't exactly his forte. Jimin, on the other hand, was better at it than him. He thankfully felt himself calming down from his earlier episode as a song on the radio turned on.

'I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone. I crashed my car into the bridge, I watched, I let it burn.'

He stopped at a red light and looked out the window.

The sunset.

It was awe inspiring.

Taehyung smiled and started subconsciously tapping fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the English pop song.

He hadn't seen one in a while. He was late to work almost every day and rushing so when he was driving everything passing outside the window went by as a blur. He would always change his outfit six times before actually leaving so for that reason he was always late. His manager was really on his ass lately though, and he needed to keep this job. Even if he felt it was a dead end for him.

His smile wiped from his face as if it had never appeared.

'I threw your shit into a bag and pushed it down the stairs. I crashed my car into the bridge...'

"I probably should've just went with the first outfit though. It was warmer than this and I'm gonna probably end up having to walk home...Nah, fuck that. I'll just get someone to take me to their place." He smirked and checked his hair in the rearview mirror.

His plans for tonight were to go either get picked up by a hot rich guy or end up getting drunk and waking up in someone else's bed tomorrow morning with three hot girls. Either way, he wasn't gonna be home.

He didn't wanna be home. His apartment was lonely, especially at night.

The light turned green.

I don't care! I love it, I don't care!

He smiled openly and giggled and he quickly pulled off and let his window down, the wind from the outside ruffling his hair.

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