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I've never ever seen Jack sing EVER. I never put him as the singing type. He did add it's was....hilarious! All the way to Redmont we sang every song from Katy Perry to Lady Ga Ga, laughing and singing the whole way.
We spent 7 hours in the car, I never had to drive, thankfully!, the boys traded 3 times max. I have my window down but my earbuds in, it's Jack's turn to drive and Zach took up the whole backseat for his "beauty sleep" I don't blame him he drove for 4 hours and he looked so tired. He had a magazine over his face that we got from a gas station 2 hours back and was sound asleep. The sun was starting to set, and everyone was tired "Hey, let's find an inn to sleep for tonight ok?" I look at Jack I could see that he's exhausted, he keeps a straight face and doesn't reply. "Jack" I put my hand in his arm "Your tired, we're all tired. Let's go find some place to sleep." He sighs and I type in my phone the nearest inn.

We found an inn about 10 minutes away and not moment too soon. Zach goes and rents our room for the night. We grab our backpacks and head upstairs. The room is small but big enough to fit 2 queen sized beds almost no other furniture besides a lamp and a end table between the beds. The bathroom is barley big enough for a small toilet, sink and shower "We got a situation guys..." both boys look back at me, Zach cocking his very bushy eyebrows, they both look exhausted. " Two beds, three people. How's this going to work?" Zach laughs and Jack just looks at the floor. " Am I missing something?" Jack doesn't look up and Zach's still laughing. My hands start to get hot and I feel them start to burn. Jack sees what is happening and instantly grabs my arms I feel cold go down my arms, and the heat goes away.  "Care to explain Zach the bedding arrangements before we burn this place down?" Jack stares at Zach with his cold blue eyes. Zach sighs " I get a bed, and....." he hesitates " you two share one?" He covers his face like a bomb was about to go off. I look up at Jack his blue eyes kind of gray from tiredness. I look back at Zach, his face still shielded with his hands. "Zach, question?" He looks up his eyes widened with terror "Y-yes?" He stammers. "Go ask the front desk for sheets and more pillows"

Zach returns with 2 more pillows and armfuls of blankets and sheets. "Anything else?" There's something about his tone I don't like, I whip around and glare at him. He just looks down and walks into the room. Jack is already passed out on the bed, his white hair messy from tossing and turning. "What are these for?" I turn around Zach is waiting still with his armful of blankets, pillows, and sheets. I look back at him he's tired very tired in fact. I sigh "Go to sleep let me worry about this." He looks confused but doesn't hesitate and flops on the bed. I make my bed on the ground, and step back, noice. I lay down and doze off. The dream is dark but suddenly there are trees, and a waterfall. "Wow" I'm in awe of the beauty then out of the corner of my eye I see something I whip around to see like a river of black come over the slopes behind me like a river it crashes over the environment leaving no survivors. I turn and try to run but my feet stay still. I cry out for help but no one comes to help me. I continue to cry out. A dark wave looms over me and crashes down! "Amber" I wake with a start Jack is leaning over me "Are you ok?" "Yeah, of course." I say as tough as I can muster. "Here" pulls the blanket back over me. "Try to go back to sleep." I nod and close my eyes this time there's something warm to my side, I smile and doze off again.

Light streams through the dusty blinds. I sit up blinking in the morning light. I look around, how did I get on the bed?  I shrug and sit up, Zach is sleeping on the other bed still out like a light. I get up and glance at the clock, 7:16 eh time to get ready. I get out of bed and Jacks on the floor? When did he get there? I get ready in my usual my favorite band t-shirt, jeans, my sneakers, and to top it off my hair is down nothing special, I'm also to lazy to do anything to it. After I'm done brushing my hair I step outside the bathroom to grab my phone and start to head to breakfast, but.. " Ready for breakfast?" Jack and Zach are awake, Jack standing next to the door and Zach on the bed, both ready. I'm not a little kid, I don't need more boys watching my every move!!! I storm out the door, not waiting for them to follow and walk down to breakfast.
For a pretty run-down inn, their breakfast was sooo good! They had a waffle maker that Zach gladly tried out a few times, Yogurt and fruit (nobody touched that), cereal (I grabbed a few for the road, no milk of course), and some eggs, bacon, sausage, and potatoes of course I dig into that and Jack seconded me on that. Zach had already finished 2 waffles by the time Jack and I get to the table. " Oh hey" Zach managed to say with his mouth full of waffle "You should try some waffles they're amazing!", Gross!, " Hard pass, thanks though..."

After finishing eating breakfast, and grabbing our things from the room, we head to the car. "Come on Jack" Zach is punching Jack in the arm. "Do it again!" Jack rolls his eyes and looks around, satisfied he looks down at his hands and rolls them into a ball and then forms a little snowman. Aww cute!, Then Zack grabs it and punts it into the parking lot. My jaw drops, I glare at both of them, "You are evil!..." I punch Zach in between breaths "...maniacal little demons!!" I push Zach down, and storm towards the car. I start to get in the car, but I hear something. Thud! What the heck?..., I walk back to the truck the thud gets louder. I set my left hand ablaze and open the truck.

The Eight Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora