Chapter Twenty Two - The Wedding Part Two

Start from the beginning

"What?" I started sniggering.

"I carried his watermelon." We both started laughing

"You carried his watermelon?"

"I know. But he asked me what I was doing there, what else was I supposed to say? I just watched this guy dance like I never seen before. I was already flustered I just came out as the weird truth. The look on his face though. Anyway he asked me my name, I told him and he said I should carry my own before implying that I leave. Obviously I went with the intention but he stopped me. He started dancing and I guess the rest is history."

"Wow that is some story." his laughter died down

"Your nightmare last night."


"No, look. You're right. I might have done something like that, but I would never hurt you like that. Not again. As long as he makes you happy I won't touch him. But he hurts you he's dog meat."


"Can I cut in?" We looked towards my Dad. Jacob steps back and My Dad takes his place. W start swaying.

"I'm sorry." I looked up at him "I never actually said it but I'm sorry. For everything, before I married your Mom I tried to stay away from her and call myself a monster. Nothing was more monsters than not protecting my youngest daughter. For that I apologise." I cleared my throat trying not to choke up.

"Thank you. You know that you could all have lead with that a year ago. It would have been so much easier than creping me out with your niceness." He chuckled

"I'll keep that in mind,"

"I used to be like so mad at you. For treating me differently. Blaming me. But at the same time all I wanted was for you to love me , the way you loved her." I looked over at my sister who was talking with my mom.

"I didn't get who you could read minds and not know she was not telling the truth. I worked my butt off for your praise. I guess that's why I fell in love with dancing. Why I fell in love with him." I looked into my father's eyes.

"I wasn't trying so hard." He kissed my head and I closed my eyes putting my head on his shoulder. This was the father daughter moment I had been waiting my whole life for.


Jack and I walked out of the house hand in hand with our guests throwing confetti. I had changed again into a dark blue dress while Jack had a blue shirt and slacks with his famous leather jacket. He said goodbye to Mels and his Grandma while I was saying goodbye to my parents.

"You get that from Edward." Mom stated


"Surprise honeymoons. He doesn't know where your taking him?"

"No, I said I wanted to treat him. Something given."

"Have fun and stay safe."

"I will." I then went to Jacob who was with Grandpa Charlie. I gave them both a hug.

"Allison, everything's ready." Alice told me. I nodded and left for the car, Jack joined me and I got into the driver's seat.

"Ready?" I asked holding out my hand

"Yeah." we drove off, everyone waving at us as we went. Soon we were on the open road to the airstrip.

"Why won't you tell me where we're going?" Jack asked me

"2 reasons. 1, It's a surprise and 2, it's extremely expensive."


"Nu-uh. My treat, our honeymoon. Relax and enjoy." He shut up after that and we arrived at the airstrip. Our bags were taken on bored.


"It's the family jet, you're family. Now, come on." I took him on board.

We arrived in Barcelona. We were being taken to the nearby port. Jack had his arm wrapped around me as we looked outside the windows of the car. I glanced up at Jack who was in awe.

"Stop the car, please." the driver nodded and I asked him to carry on with our stuff. We walked through the streets.

"Welcome to Barcelona." Jack strangled a laugh. We joined in with the street dancing when I pulled him in for a kiss." After a little while we walked to the docks where there was a boat and our luggage waiting for us.

"We're not staying in Barcelona?" he questioned

"No, just a breezing through." I started the speed boat engine. "Where are we going then?" I grinned and pulled out. We sped across the ocean when we saw..."

"Rose Island. It's was a gift from Emmett." Another ten minutes and I stopped the engine. I went to get the bag but Jack stopped me and got them himself. I lead him up to the house.

"Ahhh." he swooped me off my feet. "Don't do that." I shoved his arm.

"It's tradition." He stopped looking all around, holding me still.

"I thought your Alaska house was big." I giggled and he put me down.

"Everything is big." I took my heels off. He brought the bags back in while I wondered around. I found the bedroom.

"Jack, guess what I found."

"What?" he called back coming to find me . When he did he looked at me

"I know it's not the single bed from your old room, but I think it might do." He chuckled sweeping me up.


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