Chapter 16: The Official Return to Storybrooke

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Regina felt like home no matter where Emma went.

If she was with that brunette, she felt peace in her heart and serenity in her soul.

A house was just that, or an apartment, yet when she stepped foot into that familiar white manor, she felt something stir inside of her; something warm and something bittersweet. They were the memories she and Regina shared, where their life had started together and where it would ultimately end.

The thought of that didn't scare her, nor did it daunt, because it sounded like the perfect ending; something that she thought she would never get the chance to have. And now they had returned to the prominent domain with theirson - the family they first discussed in the very bed she stood at the end of.

She smiled at the familiar frame and the silken sheets that she swam in every night with her love by her side. The ones that she couldn't wait to dive into later this evening after, hopefully, the last long and exhausting day of unpacking the life they brought with them from Boston.

Emma would be lying if she said she wouldn't miss that city and the friends that inhabited it, but a part of her was glad that she was back in the calm life of Storybrooke. Sure, nothing exciting may go on and the hustle and bustle of the busy city streets that she once basked in would be gone, but this town held a certain charm to it; something that made her feel welcome and known; at home with the people and the scenery she grew to know and love.

Something encircled her waist, bringing her gently back to reality as she leaned into the familiarly sweet warmth it provided. Regina was behind her, humming into her golden curls and she knew the woman was happier than she had ever been.

"Henry's passed out." Her voice rumbled like the distant thunder she always yearned for. Storms were always something she enjoyed and Regina was her favorite.

"That poor kid. He doesn't know what to do now that he's in this big ass house." Emma chuckled because she witnessed that little boy crawling furiously around the first level, screaming excitedly with his favorite panda plushie, shouting at his mothers incoherently.

Regina and Emma had to trail after him once they realized the mess he started to make, wanting to make sure his toys saw the new play space as well.

"I know," Regina purred fondly and shifted to rest her chin on the blonde's healing shoulder. It still ached from time to time, but she would like to think she was back to normal, like everything else.

"Mm, I honestly feel like turning in for the night," her wife spoke when Emma lost herself in silence and the steady beating of the brunette's heart against her back.

"Me too, but we only have a couple boxes left in the living room to get and then we're golden." There was a soft groan that emanated from the woman behind her and she stifled a giggle, her lips frozen in an amused grin. "I'd rather not have to deal with it tomorrow, you feeling me?"

"I certainly am." Emerald orbs widened when one of her breasts were squeezed and this time the laughter was released, surprised.

"Okay, not what I meant, Gina."

"Come on, let's finish up." The brunette pulled away from her and when Emma turned, she saw the humor that glinted in those magnificent chestnut eyes. Gods, she could drown in them.

"Then you can feel me up later, yeah?" Purring softly, the blonde turned and headed out of their bedroom to the boxes that awaited them downstairs, Regina quickly following suit with a quip.

"You like it, my swan, do not lie."

"Of course I do," she responded, jogging down the stairs. "That's why I married you. Y'know, so you could feel me up whenever you're horny, or not. I guess whenever you want, 'cause you touch my butt a lot."

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