|| 11. flirt and kiss ||

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mark's P.O.V.

"i want you. right here. right now." minhee whispered seductively in my ear. 

she pushed me onto my bed vigorously while kissing me hard. i let out an "mmm" sound as she slipped in her tongue into my mouth. she started to unbutton my jeans, unzipping the zipper, sliding her hand down to my- 

*ring ring*

i sharply sat up, breathing hard as if i just ran 3 miles. a pool of liquid seeped into my bed sheets, while i was soaked in sweat even though its like 52 degrees in here. my heart was beating rapidly and my nerves were frantically shaking.

wet dreams are always hard to wake up from, especially the ones that include your crush. in this case, minhee was included. i grabbed my phone and immediately texted haechan. 

me: i think i had a wet dream about minhee


i shook out the nerves from my body and continued on getting ready for school. 


"how was practicing with minhee yesterday?" jaemin asked me. 

"pretty good, we got a lot done. we might be able to perform next week." 

"nice." the boys said. 

minhee and haechan can be seen from a distance, walking side by side through the hallway. she looks really nice today. her hair was in low pigtails with hairs pulled out from the side. her lips had a tint of a reddish pink color and her nose highlight is adorable. the two reached us and greeted. 

she leaned her side against the locker while listening to our conversations. i stayed quiet, just observing, while she was deep in conversation with the boys. she let out a laugh, a laugh that can make me smile in 0.2 seconds. 

a few minutes later, minhee's friend came to her. 

"minhee-ah!" she called out. 

"oh guys, this is herin." minhee greeted. 

herin waved and greeted herself. 

we all talked to her, just to get to know her a little bit, she is minhee's friend after all. 

she nudged minhee's shoulder, causing her to stumble a bit. 

"look, theres the guy i told you about." 

my ears perked up. 

the boy herin pointed at was minhyuck. every girl says he's quite the heart throb. 

"hey minhyuck." herin called from where we were standing. 

he walked over to us, great, more people. 

"hey herin-ah." 

his eyes landed on minhee. he looked her up and down and smirked. pft, gross. 

"hey." he smiled at her. i don't like that. 

i could see she got a little flustered, she was blushing. 

she gave out a little smirk, still leaning against the locker, making her look like a baddie type of girl. 

"hey." she smiled back. i don't like that either. 

they stared at each other for 2 seconds and he turned back to herin. 

"i have to meet my friends but, lets meet up later."

he looked at minhee. "with your friend too." 

minhee held her head down, but i could still see the smile forming onto her lips. my heart fell a little. 

and just like that, he was gone. 

"looks like someone has a crush on minhee!" jisung sang. 

"yah! its not a big deal." she defended. 

"hes so into you." herin cheered. 

"we'll see." minhee smirked. 

she turned around and left to her locker with herin. i looked back at her, how she was holding her backpack and how her hips moved a little every time she took a step. 

she's so hot. 


lunch was finally here, we were all standing around haechan's locker. the boys had a separate conversation while haechan moved closer to my body. 

"you have some competition." he joked. 

"minhyuck? nah, i can make her mine in a heart beat." i said with confidence. 

"so, a wet dream?" 

shit, i totally forgot about this morning. 

"y-yeah." i laughed. 

"what was it like?" he asked, genuinely sounding curious. 

i recalled the dream, how hot and steamy it was. 

"hot." i said emphasizing the word. 

we were all done gathering our things for the next period and we headed off to find minhee. 

she was all alone, shuffling through her bag and papers in her folders. she looks so peaceful just standing there. with a small smile that was part of her resting face, her hair cascading her cheeks. 


"minhee-ah!" someone called from afar. 

i turned my head seeing the same 7 boys walking my way. i smiled and waved my fingers while finishing up at my locker. i shut it closed and walked to them. 

i looked at mark, who was smiling at me. i smiled back, looking at his perky ears, small teeth, and his cute cheeks. 

"ready to go?" haechan asked. 

i nodded and we walked to the cafeteria.  we took our seats at the usual table they all claimed and i sat between chenle and mark. i took out my container, again filled with the same old ramen my mom makes everyday for my lunch. we began eating and talking, you know, the usual lunch. 

my hair was eventually soaked with soup as i leaned in to take a bite. so much for wearing my hair down today. i kept trying to put it back behind my hair, but since i have  A LOT of hair, it keeps falling. 

you know what, i don't care anymore. i just wanna eat. 

as i took another bite, i felt a hand pushing the strands of my hair behind my ear. it was chenle. he gave me such a cute smile causing me to blush. i smiled and he went back to picking at his chicken in his lunch container. 

i wiped the soup that was on my lips with a napkin while chenle mumbled "so cute." in chinese. i don't think he remembers that i can speak chinese, I've been learning since i was 13. 

his words caused me blush again. "thank you." i said in chinese. his eyes widened, looking embarrassed that i understood him. i paused and took a deep breath. i leaned in towards him while puckering my lips, giving him a 1 second peck on the cheek. 

his cheeks turned into a bright red. mark next to me choked on his food as he just witnessed my doings. 

"what did you just do?" mark asked me. 

i smiled. "i couldn't resist, look at him! he's adorable!" i pinched chenle's cheek. 

"he's chenle." he furrowed his brows. 

i leaned in and tilted my head.

"and I'm minhee." i said as i put my finger in his dimple, causing him to smile greatly. 

blushing | mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now