Chapter 24

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Diana's POV

Right after we finally reached shore, April & Harry drove me to the hospital.

I could feel myself getting weaker & weaker & more vulnerable

I couldn't keep myself awake, my eyelids felt heavier by the moment I was too weak to keep them open. I finally gave in

April's POV

Once we arrived to the hospital, Diana didn't make it to the hospital she was unconscious

My heart sunk seeing her like this.. Harry carried her in his arms into the emergency room.

They immediately assisted her.

I was waiting for the right moment to tell Harry why all of this is happening..

But there wasn't going to be a "right" moment so I went on & told him

" Harry do you know why Liam did this to her?"...

" No honestly I never thought he was capable of doing something so mean like that, I actually thought he liked Diana. I mean they even slept together , Sophia has changed him a lot she has him eating from the palm of her hands. "

" Well that's some what true but few weeks ago Diana & I went shopping & Diana fought Sophia ... It was a big drama but we all ran away from the police so no charges against Diana were made but they took revenge in their own hands as you can see"

" No way? What the hell ..Did Diana beat her up at least?"

" Of course you know her shes feisty"

" Shes a tough one , lets hope she makes it out okay thou.." Harry stopped talking & stood up

" Where you goi.."

When I look up I see Liam standing by the entrance of the waiting room.

Harry runs towards him & grabs him by his collar shirt & pushes him against the wall

At that very moment the doctor walks in

Harry lets go of Liam & plays it off as if nothing was going on so he wouldn't alert the doctor.

" The family of Diana Milton...." I cut him off " HERE! Is she okay?" I ask him

" She will be, we pumped her stomach to get all the toxins out of her, But some of the salt from the water did a minor damage in her left kidney & she'll have to stay here for a couple of days or weeks maybe." He announces

" Overall she will be okay , you may come in now & see her if you'd like to " He adds & walks away

I was worried that I wont be here when Diana gets out of the hospital , Neither will Harry...We will be at an internship we signed up for & were going to be gone for about 2weeks or so

We couldn't miss this internship..

I'll have to call her parents so they can take care of her while we're gone

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