Chapter 6

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I make my way to April's car & hug Louis goodbye & thank him 

When i get into the backseat both April & Naill greet me. 

What in the world is she doing with Naill? Harry dislikes Naill as much i dislike being in the backseat. 

Hate being in the backseat it makes me feel like a child or like I'm being taken into jail or something.

I see April pulling over to our Apt. 

" Um aren't we going to drop off Naill at his house ... " 

" No our first date was today & today is still not over ya know " Naill replies rudly 

" I was talking to April not you by the way Naill , A B conversation so C your way out or I'll make sure Harry finds a way out for you "

Naill cracks up 

&  I give April a death stare. 

It's our first week that we have moved in together & already having problems oh great.

I step out of the car & make my way up to our apartment. 

I lock myself in my room & plug in my headphones & start on my homework that Mr.Chin had left 

I really need to entertain myself the least thing i need is to hear Naill fucking April right now.

I hear knocks on my door ,  I Ignored them of course

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