Chapter 21

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Diana's POV

Once we parked I realized we parked next to a Black Dodge Challenger , Like the one Zayn owns..

" You see everything or everywhere I go I am reminded of Zayn for some reason" I tell April

" Its all in your head Diana stop torturing yourself forget about it & get your mind off of him we came here to shop k " She gives a me comforting smile

We walk into the mall & hear some type of karaoke singing but it sounds like an angelic voice

" Oh no " April sighs

" Wha..." I turn around & find Zayn singing to the red headed girl

I felt astonished & shattered I knew Zayn loved to sing but he always said he was too shy to sing to me or anyone

But now I realize he just didn't feel conformable around me or anything to sing his feelings to me

I envied this girl so much..

April drags me into my favorite store Forever 21

" I'll buy you anything you want as long as you take that sad face off & you don't say a word of what just happened, Lets pretend nothing happened okay? " April tells me

I take her offer & try to put my best face until , I trip over someone's foot & I fall into Liam's arms

My face was buried into Liam's chest & he lightly pushes me away

" Watch where your going will ya. " He says , he turns around & starts walking away from me

I turn around to see who tripped me & I see the long legged brunette standing there

" What the fuck is wrong with you stop trying to be all over my man. " She tells me

After SHE tripped me wow people can be so stupid..

I feel my blood boiling wanting to sock her & stuffing my fist down her throat

" I was already all over him last night babygirl " I respond without thinking

She doesn't respond & swings at me

I dodge her & swing back at her , my fist meets her face again again again again again again again & again

Until Liam pulls me off her & April drags me out of the store

" Run as fast as you can to the car SPRINT YOUR ASS THERE BEFORE THE POLICE CATCHES UP " She tells me & throws me the car keys

I wasn't able to get into the car so I hid under the car , I watch Liam carrying his little girlfriend into his car & drives away as fast as he can

I would have thought they would have stayed in there & bitch about it & make a huge deal about it with the police..

" Diana where are you? "

" Under " I crawl out & give April the keys

" What happened in there? " She asks

After telling April what happened , she tells me how Liam's girlfriend wanted to stay there & press charges against me but Liam didn't let her so he dragged her out of there & police started chasing after them

Why would Liam defend me?

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