You're So Worth It

345 21 14

{Codi's P.O.V.}

For once in my life, I let my barriers down to this woman who I had the strangest love for. The type of love that makes itself known throughout your body. The type of love that makes you have that 'feeling' that makes you feel as if that love is what you live for. I could forget about everything with these waves of affection, and droplets of kisses. Random strikes of passion is the little spark that keeps me going.

I felt her grip tighten as we sat in a cold kitchen. On one chair is where we opened up most ever since we met. The day was washing away as we appreciated each others silence. A good silence.

"Codi, my dear."

Slowly, I lifted my head out from her neck to look into those sparkling eyes of hers that I loved dearly. I felt five fingers rest on my back one by one. One, two, three, four, five. She pulled me closer to her face so our foreheads were leaning against one another. One, two. Another hand to pick up my chin that had leaned down to break our eye contact. Three, four. She moved her way down to hold my neck. Softly, the four fingers made our heads straight so a warm pair of welcoming lips could brush against mine. Five, she pulled me in longer.

"You're safe with me."

Five, four. She was letting go. Three, two. One last finger lightly tickled my neck. Zero. I leaned back and wrapped my arms around her. Hot spirals of water raced down my cheeks quietly. One, two. They were back to end the race.

"Don't cry. Please, don't cry. Look, you made it. You made it through, and I'm proud of you."

Five, all at once. A nice warm feeling rushed through my face as the race ended, with no winner. My body became an earthquake, shaking at the last words that escaped those luscious lips. A marathon was happening now, one that could be unstoppable at this point.

"Hey, hey, hey," she began. "Look at me."

I shook my head.

"Look. At. Me."

My mini-wave filled eyes met hers once again.

"What was Beethoven's favourite fruit?"

With a tired, confused, and barely audible voice, I somehow managed to form something.


"A...," she reached for something behind me. "BANANAAAAAAAA!"

A banana popped up in between us and she wiggled it around a little bit, waiting for me to get the joke. The corners of my mouth came to an upward curve.

"What does that have to do with anything we're talking about?"

The banana flew out of Ellie's hand and landed with a thump on the counter behind us.

"Nothing, but it made you laugh, right?"

I smiled and turned my head away from her. One, right on the side if my stomach. She tickled away.


Two, another one for that extra tickle. The race had quitters, and I let out laughs instead.

"Yes! Yes, okay, it made me laugh."

"Good. It took me forever to find that joke on Google earlier." The chair turned, "you better have liked it," she added, with a dash of sarcasm.

It was nice seeing Ellie laugh too. A real laugh, not one that's sarcastic or fake. A true, genuine sign of happiness. My feet hit the floor first, with hers to follow. A familiar hand reached into mine to complete the puzzle that our hands seemed to make. We walked over to look out the glass door to admire the beauty of the now setting Saturday night sun. I could feel her look over at my gazing eyes. I didn't look back just yet, because I felt like it would ruin this peaceful moment, although I do want to look and admire her beauty too.

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