Bite Down on Your Lip

174 12 16

{Codi's P.O.V.}

**TW!! Abuse/relationship issues are mentioned in this update. If you are bothered or triggered by this, I suggest maybe skipping out on the first few paragraphs/page, or if you prefer, not reading this update at all.**

Ellie quickly moves both herself and her tea into the bathroom quicker than I've ever seen the damn girl run. I raise my eyebrows and take a sip out of my cup. Not to insult her tea making, because frankly she can make some pretty good tea, this sucked. Something has to be wrong with her if she can't even make a good cup of tea.

I sit there and collect my thoughts for a few minutes. My eyes wander her flat. Picture frames aren't perfectly aligned. Random clothes are thrown around her couch. The blinds are closed. Very unlike Ellie. I wait it out for a few minutes longer before getting up to dump my tea down the drain. I head towards the bathroom door and I reach up to knock.

My hand stops when I hear quiet sobs coming from the other side of the door.

"...Ellie?" I just so barely whisper to her through the door. "Ellie, baby. I'm so sorry. Was it something I said? Listen, I didn't want to hurt you. Please come out and we can talk about it, okay?"

I hear tiny sniffles coming from her. Some things are moved about and I heard her set her cuppa down on the sinks counter.

"Okay. If you wish to stay in there, then we can talk through this door. You can come out when you're ready."

Ellie's sniffles continued as I sat down against the door. We sat in a brief silence. I was waiting for her to talk. I guess she was doing the same thing for me.

"Alright then. Can you knock twice or something if you're listening to me?"

She stomped her foot a few times on the ground. I couldn't help but to giggle. But I continued.

"My dear. My love. My Ellie-belly. You know I love you. In this short time we've grown so close and I hate seeing you like this. Especially when I could be the cause. If this time I am, I want you to know that I am so terribly fucking sorry. Whether it was how I acted when I first came around or whether it was how I've been speaking to you - I'm sorry."

Letting my words sink in to the silence, I took a break before continuing. Ever so slowly I let out a few deep breaths.

"And I want you to know that when these things happen I don't want you to keep your feelings from me. Relationships are a two-way street, and if we're gonna do this whole dating thing, we need to have communication. What I want you to take from this, though, is that I love you so much. Nothing can change that. And I'm sorry for doing you wrong."

My head leaned back onto the door and I tried listening in to her movements. She sniffled and I heard some more shuffling. The door opened slowly and I leaned forward before shifting myself to face her. With cloudy eyes, she gave me that slight Ellie smile that I love.

"Well, hey."

She laughed and tucked some hair behind her ears, "hey."

"You alright?"

Her arms flung themselves around me. Sometimes actions say so much more than words do. She muffled some words into my neck as we hugged.

"You are in no way the issue, babe. I'm just going through some stuff and it's too much for me to handle."

She came back to face me and I reached up to hold her sides. I pulled her chin up with my hands to give her a kiss. This time she didn't face away or pull away.

"What was your news?"

"Oh, that. Well..."

I glared at her with sparkling eyes. She smirked and wiped the last round of tears off her face. We both smiled and held each others hands.

"I finally have a project!"

Ellie's jaw dropped, "BABY! That's wonderful!"

She hugged me once more but this time when the hug ended we weren't as cheery. There was still an elephant in the room. We both knew that there was something seriously messing with her emotions. One thing this girl never wants to talk about is her emotions. She's very closed about that. And I don't now whether or not to consider that a good thing.

We looked into each others eyes and she could tell that I was curious. She shifted herself so we were side by side on the hallway floor, hand in hand still. When she opened her mouth she told me everything. Lynn. The hitting, the screaming, the drinking. The hurt. The pain. The life-long memory of her engraved in her brain, leaving her scared to ever love again.

"...but that's the thing. Codi, I'm not scared anymore. Ever since you made your way into my life, you've made me fearless. I'm not scared anymore. I did it, Codi. You did it - WE did it."

I bit down on my lip to hold back my tears. This wonderful girl with a head full of stars just told me that she loved me in such an intricate way. And just like that, I had it. Even if this new project doesn't work for me, I finally have something to write about.

- Next Day -

I had a pep in my step as I walked into the office that morning. Jodie looked at me with a smirk. She knew I was up to something. While my computer started up I danced around my desk as I unpacked my work bag. I sat down in my chair and spun around to face the screen.

My mouse made it's way over to the files.

Files > Documents > New Document

Thoughts buzz through my head as I stare at the blank screen. I know just what to write but I can't believe the time has come. I go up to the top of the screen and click the title option in the text box.

A Girl With a Head Full of Stars by Codi McKnight

Our love for each other is like a star. It is bright. It is joy. It is encouragement. It is beauty. It is us. This is the story of our galaxy.


hey u punk beans, i've made a return for the 3004th time. this is yet another shitty update bc i honestly have no clue what direction to bring WSA in. if you have suggestions pls let ya homie know.

alsO THIS UPDATE IS MAINLY FOR ANNA. u fart head. my location is on, COME FIGHT ME!!11!. jk don't fight me lets watch nightmare before christmas together or something ok. i hope u enjoyed this update even though it was horrible <33333494992304040

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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