Sharp As A Knife

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{Ellie's P.O.V.}

Codi looked down at herself.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

I let my hand fall down to end the smoke and I walked over to make my way past her and down the hall.

"Exactly what I said. You're just like the rest of them."

She turned her body around so she could follow me. I stopped and turned around to face her.

"Who's 'them'?"

"Are you seriously that oblivious to what that means? There has been others. Girls. You're just like them. They're all scared of who I am and whatever. It's a routine now."

Her hands picked up to hold rest on her hips. By the look in her eyes I could see I'd offended her. But honestly I could care less, because what I said was true. All the past girls I've tried to grow close to were scared to even let me hold their hand.

"Well if putting me down is all your going to do while I'm here, then I should go."

I laughed under my breath.

"Put you down? Really?"

Just before she was about to open the door she swung around, making sure to put her arms into the swinging action too.

"Uh, well if it were me trying to talk to a girl then I definitely wouldn't tell them that they were 'like the rest'. That's just wrong and rude. Never tell a girl, or even a man, that they are like past experiences."

My eyes looked down at my feet as she opened the door.

"Wait up, Codi!"

I nearly slipped right off my feet as I rounded the hallway corner again to slam the door shut before she could walk out. Her back went against the wall.

"You could change my thought of you, you know..."

When I pushed myself closer to her body and to her face, her breathing started to slow down. She looked away from me and out the window, opening up the side of her neck. My opportunity was now. I leaned in, sucking on the delicate skin of her neck. Her head turned back around and she leaned it against mine as she held my shoulders.

She didn't yell out for me to 'Stop' so I continued and placed my cold hands on her waist. Her body shivered in front of me and I began to rub her torso up and down to make it so my hands weren't cold to the touch for her.

"How the fuck can I 'change the way you think about me'?"

I stopped and pulled myself away from her neck to look her in the eyes.

"You know."

Her head shook back and forth.

"It's a funny thing, because I actually don't."

"Oh," my hands tightened on her waist. "Getting a bit sassy, Miss McKnight?"

I bit my lip in front of her, testing to see if she would do anything. A blank stare is all I got. I tried licking my lips for a reaction, which seemed to trigger something. Her feet squirmed under her and she swayed back and forth a few times trying to decide what to do.

"Fine, if that's how you want it."

Out of no where she launched herself forward, pulling my neck into her as she took my position of what I was just doing to her. Moans slithered out from my mouth. She made her way up to my jaw line, making shivers go down my spine.

I arched my back and lightly scratched at her sides, slowly but surely trying to pry her top off. We were moving fast, yes, but we were making progress. I guess this Codi girl wasn't like the others after all. One of her hands made it's way to hold mine and bring it away from her sides as she continued leaving her mark.

Her feet began to shuffle forwards and my body was pushed back into the couch. I tumbled down back first only to look up to see her following my body. I didn't waste any time in switching our positions as soon as she came down onto my body so that she was on the couch, not me.

My body sat up on her hips with my hands by her head to hold me up. I felt a tiny wave of excitement crash through my stomach, sending a rush of love into my lips that went down to meet Codi. A smile formed on her face as I bit her bottom lip, giving me the entrance I needed.

Our tongues danced with one another and a warm hand went running wild through my hair. I leaned forward more as one of my supporting hands came back towards my torso and traveled down the side of her. The body under me shook a bit in it's place as I sent a jolt of surprise down her side.

A smile formed on my face and we both laughed. I sat our bodies so that I was in a sitting position now with her on my lap, one leg on each side of me. Instead of stopping, I picked her up and brought her to my bedroom and laid her down on the bed.

She let out a breath of air before our lips met again. Her tired state wouldn't work well with my excited one much longer. I slowed the kisses down and got off her to lean on my side with my hand to hold my head up.

She stared straight up at the ceiling. While I reached to my bedside for another cigarette I heard her sigh. I looked back at her as smoke curled up to the ceiling. My back leaned against the head board and a hand interlocked with mine.

"I knew you had it in you."

She sent a glare that would kill me if looks could kill. I couldn't help but laugh as she nudged her head into one of my pillows and began mumbling something I didn't catch. Unlike past experiences, Codi did have something in her. I just had to find it first. But this game of hide and seek has been won, and I'm the winner.


yay for a new chapter *fireworks explode in the sky for celebration*. Sorry I kept you waiting about a week, I seriously had no clue on what direction to take that whole 'like the rest' thing. But at last, I found a way to take it and hey look a new chapter is here.

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