Lonely Thoughts They Seep

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{Codi's P.O.V.}

"That person is you."

A light hand made a up and down motion on my back as I leaned into Ellie's chest. At this point it felt like one more touch would send a firework off in between us. This love we were sharing right now wasn't forced like the previous times. No one was pushed up against a wall, no one had their hands held above their head so they couldn't protest. This was natural. 

I couldn't help but to fall asleep in her arms. A tiredness had taken over my body that wouldn't let me go on any more and forced my body to a deep sleep. 

~Codi's dream [also a flashback]~

"You have no choice now, Codi....My, my, my...This shirt sure does look real easy to-" 

My shirt ripped off my body. He leaned into my face and smirked. 

"Rip right off...," he whispered. 

His fingers traveled up my sides and he slipped two fingers under the strap of my bra. I tried inching away from him slowly but he wouldn't let me budge. 

"Oh, you're not going anywhere. You're mine now Codi...all mine..."

The words 'All mine' repeated in my head over and over as he unhooked the back of my bra. Hot spirals of water trickled down my red cheeks. I can't take this.

My body jumped up in a attack-ready motion. I could feel a puddle of sweat coming together on my lower back and my chest. I reached my arms out to the side and sprawled my body out like a starfish. Finding it odd that I fell asleep with another person to wake up with no one, I sat up. The red numbers shining from the alarm clock warned me that it was already 8 A.M. 

Thinking it was still the work week, I tossed myself off the bed so fast I fell onto my bum instead of landing on my feet. With the loud thud I caused, a slapping of feet came closer to the door. 

"What in the world..."

Ellie came over to see where I was and came down to get on the floor when she seen I was laying down. 

"Are yo-"

"Yea, I must've gotten tangled up in the sheets and tripped out of bed or something. Sorry for the loudness."

Her legs pushed her up and a strong arm leaned down to grab onto mine and pull me up. When I was up she wiped her hand on her pants. 

"Are you sure you're okay? You're all sweaty."

I looked away and nodded. She looked to see what I was looking at and sighed, realizing that I was trying to ignore her concern.

"Well, I made some tea earlier so you can go and pour yourself some while I tidy up the room."

We exchanged awkward smiles as we worked around each other. She picked up the pillows I brought with me on the fall as I walked out. The cup and pot were already side by side when I entered the kitchen. I sat down at the counter and looked around. An open window was letting in breeze right beside me, making my body let out a sigh of happiness since it was getting cool air. My eyes stopped at a bright yellow paper that blew in front of me. 

At the corner of the paper was a stamp that said 'TOL' in a circle. Under the circle had "Therapists of London". I looked around to see if Ellie was coming. She was still busy in her room so I continued reading, as crappy as I felt doing it.

"Dear Ellie, 

    I have decided to up your dosage in your visits with me. The papers came back from the specialist who took over for me a few weeks back. It was filled with information that I will now pass onto you. (Find them attached to this letter if you wish to read). Long story short, your 'bad visions' and little panic episodes he believes are becoming too much for you to handle. Stop by the office whenever you're free and we will talk more. 

                                                   Yours truly, 

                                                        Stacey M. - MENTAL/DEPRESSION T.O.L"

I didn't dare to turn the page as a humming voice came up behind me. I pushed the paper away from me before she could see it was in front of me. What did they mean by little panic episodes? She gave me a faint smile when she sat down next to me. Her body jumped up when she seen the yellow paper. Quickly, she reached for it and rushed into her room. 

I looked at her as she came running back to me. 

"Sorry about that. Just some stupid mail."

My head nodded and my fingernails clicked against the marble counter. She scooted her chair a little closer to mine and leaned forward to me. As she made herself closer to me I snapped out of reality as my mind wandered off to another memory.

"What's the harm? It will only be a few kisses and then I'll drop you off to go home and 'study'". 

His hand rested on my thigh, slowly making it's way up to the end of my dress. I pushed his hand down and shook my head. 

"No, I want to go home. Now."  

My head tilted to the side trying to block out the sound of his deathly chuckle. As I noticed his hand climbing my leg again, I tried reaching for the door handle to walk myself home instead of waiting for him to move the car. The lock popped down and wouldn't budge for me.

"You aren't getting away that easy."

His position moved so he could have both of his hands working against me. I tried to push and scream but I was having no luck, as it was nearly two in the morning. I failed myself again. When would I ever escape his captivity?

Two hands violently shook my what seemed to be lifeless body leaning down on the counter top. I had my head buried in my two crossed elbows. When I looked up Ellie had a tight grip on me. We came together in a tight embrace. Her warm breath tickled my neck. 

"Codi, you have to tell me what's bothering you. Being fine doesn't mean waking up in a puddle of sweat or blanking out right in the middle of talking."

We rocked back and forth a little bit and then stopped. 

"Are you sure there's nothing bothering you?"

I nodded in the crook of her neck and she leaned back. 

"I know you're keeping something from me. You don't have anything to fear with me when it comes to stuff like blacking out and bad dreams. I'm like a pro at that stuff, Codi."


Ok this chapter is kind of just a fill in chapter to give you more background information about Codi and her 'past experiences' and kind of give you an idea of what Ellie goes through as well. Sorry I haven't been updating much. School has just been assignment after assignment and man I just want to shove them up my schools butt hole. BUT SUMMER'S COMING SOON SO YAY

P.S.- Did you guys see those pictures from when Ellie was on the boat she rented for a day in Florida oh hot damn 

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