Narrow Escape

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Lana's POV ~

She sat straight backed in the chair, hair draped over the back of it, arms folded on her legs. The room was untouched, save for the rearrangement of dust particles that had gathered over the years. Her eyes were glued to the door; While Bethany had shared few details, Lana knew that tonight would be the night she would finally leave this god forsaken place. A smile curled her lips for a moment before she shook her head, the expression lost.

No, I won't smile, not until I've seen the last of these cold walls..

She was shaken out of her thoughts as the sudden approach of footsteps rang down the hall. She straightened still and flitted her gaze to the room around her. If it turned out to be someone other than Beth, she didn't want to be caught staring at the door. What a story that would be.

The lock clicked and the door opened slowly. Lana held her breath, watching for color out of her peripheral. She exhaled as a head of dark, long hair spilled into the dim light. She stood up and hurried quietly to the door, glancing behind and around Beth quickly. She caught sight of two other figures that had accompanied her savior; one blonde boy and a brunette boy. She recognized her brother almost immediately, though the latter character was new to her. She tensed, not wanting him to catch her off guard.

Beth noticed the action and frowned, tapping Lana's shoulder lightly.

"Hey, don't worry. He's with us. Friend of Lloyd's. Now come on, did you not finish checking out the place or something?"

Lana sent a suspicious glance at Kai before walking out of the room behind Bethany. Kai raised an eyebrow at her as well, as though they shared the same sinking suspicion towards one another. Good for him, she thought, always on his toes. She kept her gaze forward, keeping the two boys out so she could focus on the task ahead.

Breath, Lana. Breath. You are almost there..

The group carefully continued walking until they reached the end of the hallway. Bethany raised a hand to signal them to stop, then carefully pulled something out of her pocket. A crystal caught the faint traces of light in the dark hallway for a moment before Beth raised it to just below her neck.

Suddenly loud footsteps came rushing down the hallway behind them. Lana's hair stood on end as she jerked forward into Beth. Beth, Kai, and Lana all turned around to catch a glimpse of moving shadows down the hallway.

"They couldn't have gotten far- quickly, down here!! It's the only way they could have gone.."

Lana's heart threatened to beat out of her chest. So they hadn't made it out without being spotted.

She muttered a curse before looking to Bethany, their leader, in a sense. The other girl seemed just as shaken as her- not good, Lana thought. However, the momentary panic that had been visible in her eyes before vanished as Beth quickly pulled them all foreword further down the hallway. The crystal still stayed clutched in the brunette's hand as they all ran down the hallway, away from the fast approaching shadows.

It didn't take long before a dead end came up.

"Who the hell puts a dead end in a house-" Lana gasped in expatriated anger, fear quickly crawling through her veins.

"I feel sorry for the people who have to live in this 'house" Kai said quickly, his temper tainted with fear.

Lana looked to Bethany again, hoping she could get them out of this mess. The voices down the hall grew even louder, to the point where it seemed they were just around the corner. At this distance, Lana could tell it was Morro and Ronin who had found out about them.

"Beth- whatever you were going to do I hope you do it soon-"

"Hold on everyone."

Mumbling inaudible words, the crystal in Beth's hand suddenly sparked orange and filled the space they were occupying with a great light. Lana pressed her hands against her mouth to keep from gasping as the hallway faded from view around her. Just before the last traces disappeared, however, she caught sight of the figures of Morro and Ronin as they rounded the corner. She saw their eyes widen just before the scene popped out of view and was replaced with white.

( OK FIRSTLY THE MOST SINCERE APOLOGIES FOR NOT UPDATING IN A YEAR. I forgot, about this story, and have fallen out of inspiration with it, but I came back just tonight and stuff to see it and saw how people are still commenting on it, so I wanted to work on it again :,) This time- THIS TIME, I'm going to stick with it until the end. I hope you'll look forward to that, AGAIN SO SORRY FOR THE LONG DELAY I AM A TERRIBLE AUTHOR T^T  ILYYY ♥️♥️♥️)

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