²• The Day After

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Second Chapter
Is this really
The Day After


Life has an unlimited stock of twists. And all you can do is get surprised or anticipate it. In the ride of this rollercoaster called life, there are times we can see when it's going. If it's going down, up, or circle, or zigzag, or oblong, or whatever. But, if we have our eyes closed, we can never see what will happen next, we just feel it. And it is our choice if we should open our eyes and just enjoy or hate every minute of it.

And I believe that my rollercoaster ride already started with a big twist. And now, I'm not sure if it's going down or up, even though I have my eyes open.


My eyes fluttered open as something really bright hit them. I opened my eyes slowly, then closing them again when the sunray almost burned it. Be gentler with me, Apollon.

"What time is it?" I asked myself, holding my head. I slowly sat up as I try to wash off my sleepiness. Is it evening already? Well, I am not surprised. I slept like 4 a.m in the morning, watching Anime. Even if I'm in a house full of Vampires, I still have my priorities.

I rubbed my eyes then stretched my arms. I let my arms fall to my side. Wait, where am I again? Oh, right. My room.

I looked at the terrace and noticed that the sun is almost setting

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I looked at the terrace and noticed that the sun is almost setting. Did I sleep really that long? Why am I even asking? I've been doing this for a decade already.

Remembering the occurrences last night didn't faze me. I still feel sleepy. I still want to sleep. But, I do want to eat. In fact, I feel normal. I feel nothing. I'm not scared or afraid. Confused as hell, yes, but, all in all, I feel fine. Instead of that heavy feeling on my stomach, I'm fine.

Is this what happens if you watch tooooo many Anime? Is this considered normal? Or not? I mean, I even know what to do when a Zombie Apocalypse comes.

Then, I realized something. My hands. They fell to something hard. Well, one is hard and one is a little bit soft. And the sheets... It's like there's something under them except me. How could I not notice it? Am I that sleepy?

Slowly, I held the edge of my blanket and slowly lifted it. I blinked a few times as I've seen what's under. Well, it seems that I'm widely awake now.

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