Part 5

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Dark's Pov: I had (y/n) in my arms . She had fallen asleep while we were watching cartoons. I looked out the window only to see that it was still dark out . I look at the clock and notice that it was 4:00 in the morning . I get up to put (Y/n) in our bed  when my phone dings saying that I got a message . " who could that be " I ask under my breath. It was mark. 

Mark= M Dark=D

M: So are you going to pick us up from the air port or what ???                                                               D: Crap ! sorry forgot I was busy trying to get y/n to sleep  .                                                                      M: she isn't sleeping yet ?!?                                                                                                                                 D: ya.... She is now tho so i will come now 

I get up and see an already sleeping anti and lay y/n next to him. I get my keys and phone then head to the car. I go to the air port and see Mark,Jack and Ethan. I put their suit cases in the trunk then we all get in and dive to the house . Thankfully the house has a spell that can shift and change into a different amount of rooms for how many guests there are . We drive up and get everything out and step inside trying not to wake up Y/n and anti. I show everyone their rooms and then go down stairs only to bump into Glitch, Wilford, and Google. I shown the, their rooms then head to mine and lay down only to be cuddled by anti and y/n.

I wake up to see that y/n is gone. I walked out a bit panicked because Wilford is known for killing " contestants" . I look and see Mark and Jack playing hide and seek with y/n . " Ready or not here I come !!" Mark shouts and I see Jack and y/n come over into the kitchen and hide behind me . " FOUND YOU" Mark yells chasing jack and y/n . Jack picks up y/n and runs with her on his shoulders while mark chases them. I hear a door open up and see a some what still sleeping anti come out of the room. He poor's himself a glass of Orange Juice then grabs a piece of bacon and a muffin and sits down. " Good morning sleepy head" I say to anti . Before he could answer y/n screams and runs in the kitchen with mark and jack behind her . "PAPA SAVE ME !!!" She yells and anti gets up and picks her up. " what is this all about " anti asks jack and mark . " she stole mark and my nose's" Jack says. Mark and jack look at y/n with goofy but mad eyes as they both pout. " y/n did you steel their nose "anti says looking at y/n . " yes... But i will give them back if they stop tickling me " Y/n says looking at mark and jack. They both nod there heads as she gives them back their nose. " Thanks y/n , Now lets go and play chief ill be the cook" Jack says looking at mark . "I guess ill be the costumer again" Mark says " no marky u be the waiter ill deal with jackys bad food" Y/n says smiling " HEY" jack yells as we all laugh. Jack and mark walk off to the toy room . I look at my calendar and see that y/n's birth day is coming up. I tell mark and jack that the rest of the gang is going out and if they could watch y/n . They shake their head yes then go back to playing. I step outside and go with anti,will, and google into the woods behind our house mostly to talk with the guardians on what last night was all about. 

The ProtectorsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon