Part 10

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I shake anti awake and we both get in the car and rush to the hospital. We bring her to the front desk. The nurse looks scared and takes y/n away from me . I sit down with my head in my hands and feel my self start to cry. I look up into the imaginary sky and say to myself "Why , why me ". I look over and see anti is also crying. I pull him into a hug and feel my shirt get wet from his tears . I pull away from the hug and look him in the eyes . I use my thumb to wipe away his tears . He dose the same thing to me. A doctor taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and see tears in his eyes threatening to fall. " she is sable but in a sleep coma" . My heart shatters and the world goes black around me all I see is the doctor and anti. I snap out of my trance when the doctor says we can go in and talk to her. I walk in and my heart aches , there my little girl is hooked up to all these machines . I walk over to her and hold her hand and soon drift off to sleep. 

Readers POV

I see daddy and pappa laying next to me and the are both crying, I look around. Am i in a hospital? Papa lifts his head and looks at me. " y.n leave me , were not good fathers , if we were good dads then this wouldn't have happened " he says. Tears form in my eyes " w-why papa" i say crying. I then hear an annoying beeping sound, it sounds like an alarm clock. " goodbye y/n" Pappa says before him and daddy fade away. I scream out their names again. Everything fades to black . all I hear is that annoying beeping sound. "Thats it y/n breath " some female voice says. My eyes flutter open to see two men standing there both looking at me crying and a doctor who had grey hair... wait everything is grey there isn't a single color. " why is the world grey" i ask the nurse. Her eyes widen she fiddles with a machine , the world slowly grows back color. " who are they ?" i ask looking at the two men. They both start to cry. " i-i'm sorry... did i do something wrong?" I say looking at the nurse. She goes over to one of the men and brings him closer. " what's his name sweetie" she says . " i- i don't know" I say the man with the green hair asks me his name " a-ant?" My memory slowly regains . " what's his name" says the nurse looking at the man with the black hair again. " that's daddy silly " I say laughing a bit. Something rushes over to me and gives me a hug . I look down to see pappa and daddy both hugging me. I hug back . " so how long did i sleep for, it feels like forever" i ask the nice lady. " 4 days honey" my eyes widen. I fall asleep with daddy and pappa both by my sides

(1 week later Play song now)

I get up and run over to daddy and pappas room i jump on their bed waking them both up. " come on ... ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" i yell making pappa jump up and daddy roll off the bed . I laugh at the sight as my dads both groan. Pappa lays back down and fake sleeps. " oh no you don't " i say as i get on to of his chest so i'm now looking at him. I fake sleeps and i give him a big kiss on the for head and his eyes open and look at me. Daddy sleep teleports himself back on the bed still sleeping. I smile at pappa . We both laugh as we prepare to prank daddy. I sit beside him with whip cream in my hand. Pappa is ready with water balloons to trough at daddy when he chases me. I scream and Daddy jumps up right into my hand getting whip cream in his face. I laugh and start to run as he chases me . I give anti a thumbs up and he throws a water balloon at daddy. Me and pappa both fall to the floor laughing at daddy soaking wet and whip cream on his face. " very funny guys " Uncle mark and jack come down the stairs and also laugh. I go over to daddy and hug him he takes some whip cream and puts it on the edge of my nose . I laugh a bit and he uses a finger to say ''quiet"  i shake my head as he makes three cream pies appear from nowhere and throws them and pappa and uncle marks and jacks faces . Me and him laugh and high five . " okay now we all need to wash this stuff off" Daddy says as he gets annoyed looks from pappa and uncle mark and jack. "Man this is going to be a fun day" I say as i go to my room to get dressed for the day. I'm going to be 4 today and I can't wait for the exciting day to come . I was told that pappa and daddy both called up the entire family and their all coming !

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