"should I be at fault that you did not mentioned it to your daughter? Jirou" Jirou clenched his hands "I've already told that I would be making the announcement today, did you really think that was just a joke?" my brows furrowed after hearing Fujishirou

"Jirou, what does that mean? You knew about this?" I asked my husband

"precisely. I knew Jirou would do things behind my back to renegade on our agreement so I already told him a month ago that I will be announcing the engagement today"


"Catalina, Catherine is on—"

"I was betrothed to someone when I was five! And it doesn't necessarily mean that I get to marry my fiancé the next month! But you! you knew about this and you dare put the blame on someone?!"

"Catalina" Jirou with worried look immediately went to my side "it's just that Catherine is to...."

"too young or not you should've at least told us about this!" I give him a glare before walking out of the room.

"Kana" Kana looked at me in shocked when she saw me standing outside their door

"Goodness Catherine what are you doing here?" I immediately launched myself to her and hug her tight. Kana patted my head as she closed the door.

"Kana who was that?" uncle and auntie came to look


"what happened?" they asked in a worried tone but I keep on hugging Kana

"mom, dad, I'll take care of her for now" Kana said, understanding that I don't want to talk to them right now

"okay, if you need anything just call us" Kana nodded as she pulled me inside her room. When we entered her room I did not put too much attention on her new interior. I just went straight to her sofa. Grabbing the purple colored throw pillow i immediately hug it as I curl my feet to my sides. "so, what happened? it's not within your character to just run here without any reason in this time of the night"

"i.......ment" I mumbled incoherently


"I got engaged to Ryuuji" I almost laugh when Kana slipped from her chair and looked at me in shock, somehow looking at her expression eased me a little. I let out a breathe and told her another news "and I just also learned that he's Zero" though i said his name in a whisper

"say what??!!!" Kana sat beside me "wait....wait....wait....back track....back track!!! You're engaged? And with Ryuuji?" I nodded. "w-what happened? h-how did it progressed that fast?"

"I don't know! Uncle just announced it!" I clutch my head "I mean I'm only fifteen! I don't even have a boyfriend and now I'm suddenly engaged! Engaged Kana!!!!!"

"there...there. but I did not expect that someone would by-passed uncle Jirou. I mean he really let you enter an arrange marriage?"

"if father and mother did not agree I wouldn't be engaged now!" I said in complaint

"so how do you feel?"

"do you have to asked? Of course I'm against it! Like every woman out there I still believe in love!!!"

"but arrange marriage and betrothal is a common thing for people of our stature" I look at Kana and I somehow remember that this kind of thing is really quite a norm in rich families, the only difference is that since my parents never seems to follow the norms so I kind of forget about it. But.....but......I'm totally against this.

"still!!! I don't want this"

"then how about this" I look at Kana and I somehow found myself itching to poke her in the eye, especially since I could see that annoying glint in her eyes. "why don't you take advantage of it for a while"


"use your fiancée status to intimidate the Heroine, with this you have better standing than her and have more reason to bully her as much as you want" well I got to admit that is quite good "and when the Heroine and your king get together you can just easily break off your engagement" I find Kana's idea as marvelous

"but........Ryuuji is also Zero" her brows furrowed

"Zero? The hacker Zero? The online friend? The gift guy?" I nodded on her every question "well that is quite tricky"

"I know!! I mean I told him about the heroine! I told him about some of my plans!"

"what's new you told those things to your king when you're drunk" I look at Kana in shock


"Catherine, I feel sorry for you" she pat me thrice on my shoulder while looking at me in pity

"no!!! I must persevere!!! But.....he's Zero"

"so? what's special with Zero that you're hesitating?" I lower my head

"because, for me Zero is a special person!"

"oh?" she looked at me in interest "what do you mean by special?" I fiddle with my fingers and Kana gasped "don't tell me!!!!! you? you! you fell in love with him?"

"I did not!!!!" my feelings did not reach that far at most it was just a puppy crush. I mean I just feel comfortable e-mailing with Zero, he's interesting despite being cold, he understood my quirks and he tolerates my craziness every time I try to pester him.

"oh....then why are you blushing?" I gave her a glare

"it's just a crush okay!"

"still why are you blushing?"

"Kana!!" she laugh

"see you're back to normal" I pout, although her method is out of the ordinary I can't help but agree that right now the worries in my head had eased and that I feel calmer than before "but what are you going to do now? You're engaged to your king whom you want to partner up with some Heroine and now he ended up to be your crush Zero. How complicated"

"i......I will still do my duty!"

"what duty? That duty to make to bully the heroine to push her with your king? Catherine, did it even occurred in your mind that even before you could start your plan your king could fall for someone, someone other than the Heroine"


"think about it Catherine"

That night I couldn't sleep. Kana's words keeps on ringing in my ears. What would really happen when Ryuuji fell in love with someone? Should I still go with this? I raise my arm and look at it then I turn to the window and saw myself reflected on the glass. What would I do if Ryuuji fell in love with someone other than the Heroine? 

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now