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"If she seems happy, I'll leave her with my business card for you. Charlie is family to me. If she's truly fine then that means you are also family and up here we do business with family." He told me. I nodded at his words before hanging up the phone. There was still a part of me that was worried that Alonzo would press her too hard and she would want to go back to him. But the better part of me knew that if I hadn't broken her heart that she would have never left. It was my fault that she walked out of my life. All I could do was carry on with my day hoping that she wouldn't notice. It was going to be hard enough to keep my motives hidden from her. It was going to be even harder asking the club to do so as well but to pull this off I needed everyone's help.

"I talked to Alonzo... he said that he would give Charlie a card if he felt like she was in the right headspace. If he does send me a text. Regardless if he does bring her back to the club house. I'll leave a journal in the chapel for you to give her." I whispered to him.

"Of course brother." He said with a smile. I watched as he left with Charlie and I nodded to myself knowing that the count down started now. I called Gemma letting her know the plan while I watched Abel was brush his teeth. Everyone knew their part for today, I just prayed that it came together. Walking into the garage with Thomas in my arms I looked at Charlie's car.

"Shit." I said noticing the broken window on the drivers door. I had completely forgotten about the damage her car took the night she was taken. I was going to have to add it to the list of things I had to get done today.

"What happened to Momma's car?" Abel asked me.

"Daddy lost his temper." I told him as I put Thomas in his car seat.

"Momma's gonna be mad." Abel said as he climbed into his booster seat.

"I know she is." I said with a chuckle.

"We should fix it for her. She'll like that." Abel said and I gave him a grin. It amazed me how much they loved her. Especially Abel. He remembered Tara and that she was his mother. But he did love Charlie. It was sweet to see him embrace her and take on characterics from her. Once we got to the shop I saw Chuckie wearing an apron holding cleaning supplies.

"Clean the clubhouse is!" Chuckie said to me. I looked up at Gemma as she walked over to me, opening the door for Abel.

"The hell is that? Star Wars?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"He's been doing it all day." She said to me,

"I called the florist. They should be ready by four, that early enough?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Should be fine. Did Nero get the liquor ordered from Marcus?" I asked her.

"Yeah he said everything is all set. Bobby's handling the food. Happy said he called all the other charters yesterday. Just gotta set everything up without her noticing." She told me, taking Thomas out of my arms. I let out a deep breath as the nerves finally started to get to me.

"She'll say yes. Charlie would have said yes when you two were still in high school." She told me. I smiled at her words and nodded. Deep down I knew she would say yes but I wanted it to be perfect for her. I owed her a one hell of a proposal to make up for the shitting proposal that she thought she was getting when I was actually breaking up with her instead. I needed to replace that memory for her. If I could go back in time, I would have had our apartment covered in roses for her instead of a girl in our bed.

"For this to work Charlie has to be pointed in different directions or she'll know somethings up. Just try to get her in the clubhouse so me and the boys have enough time to get out of the office and onto the roof. When you get her to go in the apartment then you can pull out the flowers. Chibs will give her the journal, she'll read it and hopefully she'll come outside to find us up on the roof." I told the guys in the garage.

Killer Love: Sons Of AnarchyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz