Chapter 5

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Sorry for the short chapter. Just turned out to be one of those chapters where I ran out of ideas and didn't  know what was going to happen. 

Adrian had his feet up in his seat as Abby sat across from him as they were looking at their menu at Blue Sky a few nights after Adrian left Cico's place. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Cico off of his mind. Whenever he saw her in town she wouldn't meet his eyes. She would walk by like he wasn't there or walked in the other directions.


Abby wasn't having much luck either. Actually, take that back; Cico would look at Abby whenever she was near and gave her a questioning looks but never said anything. Abby could tell something was on her mind but couldn't figure it out when she could read people easily.


Adrian was keeping Abby in the house a lot and this was her first outing since she showed up in town. When Death first called about Abby, Adrian got nervous and Abby realized that she was in even more trouble when they were told two demons where being sent out to look for her. Abby was surprised an hour ago when Adrian said they were going out and Abby was on her toes the whole time.


“What are you getting? Abby asked breaking the silence. Adrian had his head laying back, studying the menu and watching the front door. He was making her nervous, more than she was already.


“The grilled fish and rice,” he answered still looking at the menu. “You?”


“Thinking the chicken tenders,” she answered softly, know he would be mad. Adrian turned to look at her and gave her a glare. Whenever it took Abby more than 20 minutes to decide what to get, she would go with chicken tenders.


Chicken tenders? Really? We are at a seafood place, why not shrimp?” he asked putting the menu down and turning completely to her. “We came for sea food Abby.”


“You know my rule, besides I want chicken tenders,” she mumbled the ending. “You are getting your seafood and I'm getting my chicken,” she said as their waiter walked up.


“Welcome to Blue Sky, my name is Thomas and I will be your waiter tonight. What would you like to drink?” the tall young man said. Adrian looked up and saw a silver soul the guy had and watched as he left with their order. He turned to Abby to see her watching him leave and waited for her to look back at him.


“Get anything off of him?” he asked, leaning across the table to her. Abby didn't answer and left Adrian waiting. Adrian didn't have to know but he was just curious since a silver soul could mean so many things for different people. He was trying to read Abby when movement caught his attention from across the room.


Turning in his seat, Adrian saw Cico walking over to the bar and sitting down on one of the tall chairs. She had a pair of worn jeans that had a whole in the back pocket and was wearing a long sleeve purple knitted shirt. Under the shirt Adrian could see a white tank top. “Be right back,” Adrian said as he watched her order a drink. Abby followed his eyes and saw Cico and nodded her understanding.


Cico didn't acknowledge him as he sat in the chair beside her and ordered himself a drink. He watched her, not hiding the fact and saw her staring at her hand. She looked so lost and he wanted to know what had her so down but he knew he wouldn't be getting anything from her any time soon.

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