ERRANDS Chapter 9

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Cub Foods Grocery Store

Celine walks through every aisle of the grocery store trying to get items from the list that Prince had gave her. Majority of items was organic vegetables and fruits along with a few dairy products.

Celine  "This should be quick" she says to herself after finding the organic section. Her cell phone rings

Celine "Hello"

Kirk " Hey are you still at the store?"

Celine "Yes Kirk"

Kirk " Good, boss is hosting a after dark party tonight around 100 people, so we need party foods and wine"

Celine " Ok not a problem, is there anything else?"

Kirk "No"

Celine " Ok see you back soon"

Kirk " Bye" He ends the call

Celine continues through the grocery list and notices an item that stood out that reads *Trojan Bareskin Magnum XL Condoms 40 pack*

Celine " Oh my goodness,  he can't be serious, or can he?"  She mumbles to herself as she enters the contraceptives aisle, there has been talks of Prince being a devout Jehovah Witness and allegations of him practicing celibacy, but judging from the request for condoms she now thinks that maybe those were all rumors.

Celine scans the Trojans product " A magnum XL, I would have never thought he of all people would......" Her phone rings again

Celine " Hello"

Prince "Celine"

Celine "Yes"

Prince "Are you almost done with the list?"

Celine " Yes I am just finishing"

Prince " Cool"

Celine "I do have a question "

Prince "What is it?"

Celine "I saw that you put condoms on the list, were you serious?"

Prince "Well.....are they on the list?"

Celine giggles "Yes I just said that"

Prince "Then it's needed items"

Celine " I thought you were....uh never mind"

Prince "Say it, you thought what?"

Celine "Nothing"

Prince chuckles "Celine are you embarrassed to buy the condoms?"

Celine " No not at all"

Prince "Ok well hurry back, you got this party to set up for"

Celine "Wait a minute....setting up what?"

Prince " You know sending out the private invitations by email, arranging the guest list, my hostess is already here, she can help you too"

Celine "Ok I am on my way"

Prince "Alright see you back" He ends the call

Celine sighs "Alright"


Celine pulls up to the front entrance of Paisley Park, she pops open the trunk to retrieve the groceries and heads inside, stopping in the kitchen first and is met with kitchen staff

Lucia " It's about time you got back, we got to get the food prepped"

Celine " I didn't think I took long, I got everything on the list"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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