Friend or Foe Chapter 4

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Prince " Wow you sure are straight to the point, I actually just needed an acquaintance for tonight"

Celine "Ok that's simple enough, this place is pretty elegant with a rugged feel, what's the name of it?"

Prince "It's called "The Mint"

Celine "Are these local bands that perform?"

Prince "Mostly local independent artists, and sometimes well known head liners, my previous protege is performing next"

Celine "Hmmm ok your protege and who might that be?"

Prince "Her name is Andy, she was in my band the last couple of years, she is singing some new songs from her upcoming EP"

Celine "What is an EP?"

Prince chuckles "It's a mini album"

Celine "Mini album?? You have to excuse me, I am really not hip to the music slang, for the most part everyone is downloading music from iTunes and streaming Tidal, I didn't think anyone was still buying CDs"

Prince "You are wrong, I get it you have the online streaming services but CDs are still being sold everyday"

Celine "I can't remember the last time I bought an actual CD"

Prince shakes his head "I take it your using modern day resources, I am old school"

Waitress comes to the table "What can I get for you two?"

Prince looks at Celine "Ladies first"

Celine " Uhhh its my first time here, what do you recommend?"

Prince "I am vegetarian, so I will get the Mediterranean salad"

Celine "Vegetarian?? Uh no thank you, I need meat in my life, I will try the chicken blt on rye"

Waitress " Ok good choice, be right back"

Celine sips her glass of water

Prince "You look nice tonight"

Celine "Thank you I aim to please by your request "

Prince "I needed you to stand out so I would recognize you"

MC- "Next artist coming to the stage give it up for the lovely Ms. Andy Allo"

Crowd claps as Andy enters the stage with her acoustic guitar.

Prince watches with a smile

Celine "She is amazing, I am sorry for my lateness, but honestly I haven't followed your music in a long time"

Prince " It's ok, but may I ask why not?"

Celine "No specific reason I thought maybe you had fell off after your second marriage ended to what's her face uhhh...damn I forgot "

Prince " Geesh woman you been in the clouds, I never fell off, my ex wife name is Manuela "

Celine "Yeah her....she's with Halle Berry ex husband now right?"

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