Save Me

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Amber Pov

I was slowly waking up from a deep sleep. I look over to my side and my arms wrapping around Bridgette's waist. I slowly and tried to not wake her up.

I finally managed to get out of bed. I ask the chief to make some breakfast while I head to the main resort to buy a gift from my new wife.

Bridgette Pov

I was woken up by phone buzzing. I check it and I had 300 message from Instagram, with 20 text messages and 10 miss calls.

I saw the time and it was 8. I put my phone down and notice amber wasn't next to me. I got my robe and slippers on. I was about to open the door until I heard something drop.

Like hard almost like a body. Then something else falls like a plate. "Where is she"a man with a deep voice shouted. "I will never tell you" I recognized the voice and it was my personal bodyguard.

Then a gunshot could be heard. "Don't shoot your gun" another deep voice shouted "whatever let's just find her?" a person said with a British accent.

I quickly tried to open the windows but there was a dock blocking my way to jump and it was really high.

"We haven't check this one" a deep voice said. I quickly run to the door and lock it. The knob started to move "I bet she's in here" the deep voice said it again.

I push the chairs over in front of the doors. I ran to my phone. Once I open it I only had 1% left.

Fuck me

I quickly dialed Amber's number. After 2 rings she finally pick up


"They are here"

"Who's there"

"I don't know but they want to kill me"

"Kill yo-" before she could reply my phone went died.


They were banging on the door. "Shit" another man said. "Hurry the fuck up" the British man yelled.

——Amber's Pov

I told the security and they agree to take me and help. As soon as we arrived I jump out of the cart and ran inside.

I reach the door and it was open.

I slowly open it and made my way through. I went to the kitchen and grab a knife. I put it behind my back and saw that the chef and the bodyguard down.

"God dang it" a deep voice said. "Come on you idiots" a British voice yelled out. I peck over the wall. Three men tall and strong standing in front of my bedroom door.

One last push they got through. I could hear Bridgette sobbing and screaming. I ran to on of them. Stabbing the first man I could get.

"Amber" Bridgette screamed

"Fuck" the British man said. Then a gun shoots could be heard.

Next thing I know I'm laying on the ground could feel someone holding me. "Please stay with me amber" she said through her weak tone.


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