A few more to go

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Amber Pov

I had to confess everything to Amanda if I wanted to make things go good for the wedding. She has my back. We told my parents that I was getting married but my mother wasn't so happy with it so I decided if Mrs. Lee could help me. She agreed to it and it made me so happy.

Right now it's just a couple of days to the wedding and tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal dinner. My dad, Mrs. lee, Best friend Kelly from LA and Amanda are going to be here. Bridgette got rooms for them.  

Bridgette parents want me to be surprised so I don't know anything but Bridgette told me that they only invited about 200 people to our wedding and only 50 of that is my friends and family.

Things are going good for us. We both confessed that we both like each other. We sleep in the same bed. We try to make time out of our schedule. I'm busy with school and final exams while she has modeling and trying to start a purse line.

We try to eat together breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her driver picks me up to go meet her and takes me back.

Right now I'm heading to meet up Bridgette at her photo shoot. "We are here Ms. O'Brien" I nod and head out. Fixing my jeans and jacket before I go through the door.

"Name please" the bodyguard ask. "Umm amber O'Brien?" I answered. He nod and open the door for me. I thank him and went inside.

While I was walking 2 women were walking down the hall half naked. They looked at me with evil smirks. I smiled nervously. They laugh and I just kept on walking.

I saw a person wearing all black with a head set and a clipboard. "Do you know where Bridgette Banks is" I asked. She look at her clipboard "room 2" she pointed at another hall.

I followed her direction and knock on the door. "Come in" someone yelled. I open the door and it was another girl in lingerie. She got up and slowly walks towards me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck. "D-do y-you k-know Where B..Bridgette is " I asked. "GiGi" a person yelled. I sighed. I look up and it was Bridgette with a silky rob on and her arms crossed looking mad.

I smiled nervously. "Keep your hands off of my fiancé" she push her out. Then she walks to me. "And you...keep your eyes on me" she demanded. I nod she smirk and peck my lips. "See you two later" she left us.

"I grab us lunch" Bridgette said. "Okay" I said while looking at her incredible body. Never in my life I would think that I would marry a model.

"I have a question" she ask out of the blue. "...ask away" said nervously. "How many people have you dated" she asked while sitting down, her eyes never left me.

I gulp hard. "2 Girls" I reply. She looked surprised. "My first relationship was in freshman year but it only lasted 6 months and ..... the last one was.....when I met her in junior year until we finally broke up in freshman year of college. Since then I've been single" I look done. She smiled. "Okay then"

"Wait a minute what about you" I said. Before she could say something the door knock and a man comes in with a cart full of food.

After we were done eating the man clean it up and Bridgette was changing into her new outfit. If you can call it that.

"Wait a minute you didn't answer my question" I pouted like a child. She smirk she was about to say something "Bridgette we need you on set" someone shouted behind the door. "Duties call" she left me
in the room.

I slowly followed to the direction of the lights. I stand in the back while I watch the models do their thing. "They are beautiful" I Man said besides me.

"Yeah...who-who are you" I look at him suspiciously. "Oh I am one of the bodyguards.... but sometimes I like to enjoy the show. If you know what I mean" he started to laugh.

Bridgette Pov

It was me, GiGi and Kendall. We were posing and out of a sudden "Argh" someone screamed from pain. Everyone stop and all eyes were on a man and amber on the floor hitting each other.

The bodyguards were spreading them apart. "Take it f**king back you A**hole" she yelled at while still trying to be released. "Boys Take her to my dressing room" I said walking up to them. They nod and I followed them. I stop "your fired" I yelled at him.

They laid her down on the couch and the men left closing the door behind them. Just me and amber in the room.

"Baby Relax" I said siting next to her. "But that jerk. .....I want to kick his A**" she said not looking at me. I smile "babe" I move her chin to look at me. We lock our eyes.

"I'm sorry" she said in a weak tone. It melt my heart and gave her a hug.


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