"How did you get it then? We're not allowed to get or have any food after mealtimes." Eren says. 

"And these ones smell fresh too! We never get fresh ones in the morning!" Sasha complains. 

"I got them from someone," Makoto grumbles, making the others look at her confused, all expect for Kyouko, who knew who she was talking about.

"Oh? Does it have to do with a little someone you were in the morning?" Kyouko teases.

Makoto bites her tongue, holding her comments and tries to remain calm. 

"Kyouko, who are you talking about?" Armin asks. 

"Oh just someone," Kyouko said shrugging, "But besides that, I think we should just let Makoto have the food. She wasn't with us in the morning so she didn't eat anything yet." 

The others finally stopped bombarding Makoto with questions and allowed her to eat. However, it was hard to eat in peace with Sasha staring at her bread. 

It wasn't long till Nanaba comes back for the satchel. "Hey, Makoto. Finished eating?" She asks as Makoto hands her the satchel. Makoto nods in response, making Nanaba smile, "Good. Can't have you passing out because you didn't have any food now." She gives her a pat on the back and just when she was about to leave, Makoto stops her in her tracks. "What's up?" Nanaba asked confused.

"Um... Thanks... For the food and water..." Makoto says awkwardly, not sure how to really reply. 

Nanaba's smile turns into a grin, "No problem! Least I can do after you stayed with me." She gives her one last wave before walking off.

A while later, Makoto was assigned to help out Kyouko, Eren, Sasha, and Connie to clean the artillery on Wall Rose at the Trost District. As everyone does their part, Makoto has to carry heavy supplies from one place to another and help out with the cannons. She looks up to see Eren spacing out and when she was about to tell him to get back to work, a sudden shake of the ground interrupts her.

Flashes of lightning appears in the sky as the ground shakes. Makoto coughs as debris and dust surround them. Once it cleared up, Makoto looks up to make eye contact with a humongous titan. It isn't any titan, it's the Colossal titan. She can feel the blood in her veins run cold as she feels her body being drained. Her wolf ears flatten back from the fear and anger she's feeling.

The memories of when Wall Maria fell, the death of her parents, the betrayal of humans, and a new forced beginning of her life. She looks over to Kyouko, who's frozen in fear and on the ground. Her eyes widen in horror and panic, unsure of what to do. Connie and Sasha are more surprised and scared rather than panicked. As for Eren, she can see anger and hatred in his eyes. She watches as he uses his ODM gear to hook onto the titan. 

"What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to get yourself fucking killed?!" Makoto yells, but Eren doesn't listen as he reels himself towards the titan. She quickly gains back her composure and was about to hook herself onto the titan as well until a huge blast of hot steam blasts them. 

Makoto tries to use her arm to block the steam and once she can see again, the titan was gone. "Eren!" Connie shouts, drawing Makoto's attention to see that the grapple hooks of his ODM gear aren't hooked onto anything. 

He tries firing towards the wall but the grapple hooks aren't able to hook on. "Fucking idiot," Makoto growls and runs toward him then jumps off the wall.  She quickly uses her own ODM gear to hook on the wall as Makoto grabs Eren by his jacket. She lands on the side of the wall, slamming Eren against the wall accidentally. "Ow..." He groans. " What the hell were you thinking you twat?!" Makoto growls. "You wouldn't fucking understand! That thing is the reason why my mom's dead!" He yells back. "Well, that thing is also the fucking reason why my parents are dead! Ever thought about someone besides yourself Eren?!" Makoto snaps at him. 

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