"Oh, I'm not very interesting, little one." Giovanni smiled lightly as he held the young girl's hands in his own.  She was so small and fragile, and he couldn't forget how soft and untainted her skin was. 

     "Please, Gio!  I feel b-bad; I've j-just been talking about myself!" She leaned closer to him and lifted his hands so they caressed her chubby cheeks.  Genevieve forgot completely about her embarrassment has she cuddled into his hands as he stared at her adoringly.  How had he gotten so lucky to meet her?  He couldn't wait to tell his parents of her; he could just imagine her mother meeting his little angel and smothering her with love, and his father treating her with the love of a father.

     "Okay," he laughed animatedly.  It had been so long since he had felt so happy.  "Well, my favorite color is possibly a soft violet like blue, and I absolutely love the scent of vanilla with cherry blossoms." He stared at her cherub-like face and sighed in happiness.  She was everything he wished had shown up much earlier in his life.

     Genevieve stared into his eyes as her cheeks heated up.  Was he describing her eyes when he spoke of his favorite color?  She hoped so, oh how she hoped so.  And his favorite smell--she smelt like that!  Or at least she thought so, for she used a body wash and shampoo that smelt of both.  He was so dreamy, and she couldn't help but lean closer to him as his large frame exuded pure warmth and it eased her impeccably.

     Giovanni languidly checked his watch, and his eyes widened when he caught the time.  He had spent so much longer than he had intended with Genevieve.  Antonio would surely be breathing down his neck as to why it took him so long to run a quick "errand." He couldn't fathom what his mother would say when she found out he was talking to a female rather than fucking her.

Genevieve, noticing his change in attitude, sent him a curious and concerned look. "Is e-everything okay, G-Gio?" She gnawed on her bottom lip, hopefully nothing bad had happened or he hadn't had a change of heart suddenly.

Giovanni placed a soothing kiss to her hand while standing up. "I'm sorry, mio angelo, but I have to go." He placed a small white card down on the table in front of her with a smile and a kiss to the cheek as she rose to say her goodbyes.

Genevieve blushed as his lips touched her cheek, and she instantly felt that familiar pull inside of her. "W-when can we m-meet again?" She was anxious; Genevieve's heart would tear apart if they were to leave each other forever. These rapidly developing feelings concerned her deep down, and he mind told her to get a grip of herself, but she followed her heart as always. Her heart told her to let these emotions hold reign over doubt and common sense.

Giovanni smiled, it was a beautiful smile that only made Genevieve wish time would stop where they were so she could admire him longer. "Everyday; meet me here after your classes, assuming you're in college. Don't be afraid to call, mio angelo." With another kiss to the crown of her head, Giovanni strutted out of the cafe with purpose in his stride.

He said goodbye to his nightly passions, or fucks rather, and said hello to the sunshine that brightened his melancholy life. Genevieve was something beyond words, yet he was prepared to attempt to relay them to his mother. He only hoped she would be proud.

• • •

Giovanni entered his home with a noticeable pep to his step as he hummed joyously. The men working throughout his estate turned to stare at their boss with bewildered and confused looks. Antonio, who had just been busy with his wife, turned towards the door as silence echoed throughout the grand entry.

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