I'll Be The Romeo To Your Juliet

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Ana's P.O.V.

It's been a week since CC kissed me and to be honest we're better than ever. We talk so much more and hang out so much more. It's not even awkward that we kissed and all the guys know about it.

Tonight we are all going out to dinner to just hang out more since its been busy for everyone. When we arrived I sat by CC. All the guys had cheeky grins on their faces and CC looked all embarrased. I knew something was up but I didn't bother me all too much.

Later in the night Andy started singing random lyrics in wierd voices and he made us all laugh. He began to sing lyrics to Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche by Escape The Fate and when he reached the chorus he sang something else in the tune of the song rather than the actual lyrics. Everyone stopped laughing and they everyone but CC and I smiled widely. CC looked down embarrased and I imagined I looked shocked.

Andy's P.O.V.

I did it. CC and Ana are so embarrased but I did it anyway. "Sitting in this room playing Russian Roulette CC is the Romeo to Ana's Juliet!" Everyone had a huge smile on their face. Except CC and Ana. We all excused ourselves and left Ana and CC to be alone.

CC's P.O.V.

"Sitting in this room playing Russian Roulette CC is the Romeo to Ana's Juliet!" Andy sang happily. Shit! Way to go Andy! I finally got past the kissing thing that she probably hated and now she probably thinks I love her or something. Which I didn't. Did I? Amariyana spoke first. "That was wierd." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah totally. So wierd." I was such a douche. It was super quiet. Not like comfortable quiet. More like awkward quiet. I looked away and Amariyana tapped on my shoulder. I turned to stare into her beautiful eyes. "Yes?" She then did something that startled me.

Ana's P.O.V.

I tapped him on the shoulder. "Yes?" He asked. He turned and looked me in the eyes. I forgot everything I was going to say and in that moment I not only startled him but I startled myself.

I leaned in and kissed him.

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