Chap. 28

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I can't win

I hit Naomi to the ground before receiving a punch to the head- right where Will had hit me.

That led to me falling to the ground

I saw Leo standing in front of me as I sat up, shuffling back to lean against the nearest wall

My vision was blurry so I could only just about see him

I then saw Naomi stand next to him.

"I think you lost Mya" Leo laughed "wanna join the gang?"

"I was still so dazed but managed to faintly shake my head"

"Well then.." he drifted off and started to walk away from me.

Naomi sent a punch traveling to my head

So that's it


I let go of all hope, letting the hit attack me.

Darkness clouded my vision.

I blinked a couple times I could only see black but I was awake

I looked up

That's when I realised there was someone in front of me

"Mya would never have to join your gang, not with me around" Ace said as he had deflected Naomi's attack

I couldn't believe it

"Ace?" I whispered

He turned to face me

"Oh hey, you've got a better conscious I see" he smiled

I leaped up and hugged him

"I thought y-you were dead" I stuttered as a tear rolled down my face

"You gotta try harder to get rid of me" he chuckled hugging me back

I heard Leo cough, it looked like he had come back over to us.

"Sorry to interrupt this reunion but you're in our place, and in the middle of a fight" he said stubbornly

"Are you well enough to fight?" Ace asked

I nodded smiling. It was like his presence gave me a boost or something.

I was still a little bit dazed, but I would try my best

"Well then" he smiled back at me, "let's fight" he swiftly turned and landed a punch on Leo

Naomi ran at me, and I ran and jumped up onto the table nearby: bouncing off of it and knocking her to the floor as I came back.

I slid along the ground, then stood back up as she punch me.

I stopped her hits that were raging at me, I then kicked her ankle so she hit the ground.

I took off the belt I was wearing, and tied her her wrist to the table leg.

"I really don't want to fight you Naomi, so please stay there" I said, then ran over to Ace and Leo

Leo was on the floor and Ace was about to hit again.

I jumped in front of him holding my arm out to cover myself

"Wait!" I shouted panicked

Luckily Ace paused mid punch, "what's wrong?" He asked

"I wanna talk to him" I replied

He dropped his hand and stood next to me facing Leo, as I turned to face Leo too

"Leo what was all this about?" I asked as I crouched to his level and he sat up

He looked sad, then his eyes met mine.

He was silent

"Leo..." I asked again in a soft voice

"Mya" he paused for a while, " I-I loved you... I really did... did you ever, at all, love me too?" He asked with a hopeful look

I sighed and looked down, tucking a piece of adrift hair behind my ear

"Leo... I was in love with the thought of loving you" I answered, "but this isn't the way to get people to love you. And after this, I'm sorry, but we need to not see each other"

He looked down at the ground

"I'm sorry Leo"

"No, I'm sorry, I caused you... and that stupid friend of yours, a lot of trouble"

I smiled at him

I felt Ace put his hand on my shoulder, "let's go Mya" he smiled sympathetically

I nodded and stood up, walking to the door with Ace next to me.

I stopped and glanced back at Leo as he was standing up and dusting himself off.

"Good bye Leo" I waved slightly, smiling. Then turned back and continued my trek home.

Me and Ace were silent for a while as we strolled along the path.

"So how was your day?" Ace asked me, smiling

I laughed and playfully hit his arm

"Could have been better" I laughed with sarcasm dripping from my voice

We carried on walking and the bright sun shone from behind the clouds. I shaded my eyes with my hand.

"I nearly went down back there... seems I still have a lot to learn" I sighed

"I think you did pretty dam good" Ace kicked a stone and it ran down the pathway.

"Really?" I asked, "well thank you for showing up when you did"

"Nah, if I didn't show up in the nick of time to save you, what would the point of being me be?" He smiled and I laughed slightly

"But in all seriousness, thank you... so much" I smiled, turning and hugging him.

I looked up at him, as he looked down at me smiling.

"Mya, I need to say something too" he said still looking down at me, "we need to go clean up the house" he smiled at me, taking my hand and walking quickly to the house.

"Just when I thought you were gunna say something interesting, you-" I start rambling on, but get cut off

"Don't worry" he turned to smile at me "we're gunna stick together from now on, no running away for six years, no walking off in the middle of nowhere, no being taken away. We'll stay together: side by side"

A smile grew on my face and I caught up with him.

When I think back to when I first met Ace, and think of how much he's helped me... it makes me hope that everyone can find someone as special as him. So they know that true happiness and trust is out there. Because he really is incredible. He helped me, saved me and was there for me. He's my best friend and more. I'm looking forward to spending many more adventures with him.


And that's it, the book is finished! I've never completed a book before so I'm super happy.

Do judge the cliché ending please >.<

Thanks for reading 'and so we meet again'

Jemma 💕

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