Chap. 24

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"Will?" I asked.
"It's time for some pay back, mind if I take this one Miles?" He said, looking to the first guy

"Go ahead, just make sure you win" the leader said

I know I can be stronger than him but I'm a little shakey right now, and I know he's strong- we were taught by the same people.

He stepped forward

"Got no Ace to help you out now have you?" he smugly said with a little laugh

I stood in a fighting stance and he ran at me

I ducked under his punch and came up with a kick to the arm.

I stood back again and he managed to trip my ankle, but I succeeded in turning it into a roll so I was okay and standing.

The fight went on for a little while when suddenly, just as he was about to punch and I was gunna dodge I felt two arms wrap around my arms holding me in place. Which lead to me getting hit by Will very hard

I let out a shriek of pain after

"That was a dirty trick Will" I said glaring at him.

The two men still had me in a firm position

"It's just called getting payback Mya. Do you know how much I was mocked and laughed at after a little girl beat me" he sounded angry, "so yeah I will play dirty but I will get revenge" he glared at me.

Just as another hit was flying towards my face a figure flew in front of me, catching the hit in its hand

I could feel an angry aura radiating from this person.

I looked up to see them

"Ace?" I whispered

"What happened?" He asked, still holding a firm grip on Will's fist

"I-I'll explain later" I whispered sadly

"Alright, now to deal with these idiots... are you okay to fight?"

"Umm if I weren't being held back yeah"


"Really?" Will spoke up "you're still hanging out with this dense prick?"

"Who you calling a dense prick?" Ace said and swung his leg round and was able to kick Will away

Will grunted and looked more angry at the sight of Ace

The men holding me still wouldn't let go, I tried to get out but they were double my size and wouldn't let go

Ace and Will were full on fighting and I was stuck here doing nothing

I heard the two men whispering something to each other and then suddenly they were taking me away

"MYA!" Ace called out

"DONT WORRY ILL GET OUT OF THIS some how" i whispered the last bit with a stifled laugh "FOCUS ON WHAT YOURE DOING!" I said as Ace took a punch to the face

He looked worriedly at me but he trusted me so he carried on.


I stomped on one guys foot making him stop, but he clenched his fist harder around my arm... so that didn't work as I wanted

I was fidgeting around trying to get out and I knew they were getting annoyed. Then they lifted me up so I was no longer on the ground and couldn't wiggle out. They started walking again.

"Hey no fair!" I whined "why do you hang around with those people anyway?" I asked

"You seem as if you can fight, I'm sure you hang around with people like that" the one to my left said

"Actually no" i paused "in fact recently I've probably been that person" I said the second part quietly

I felt there eyes on me in confusion.

I looked up refreshing my mind

"But I guess people can change" I said with a smile, they stopped walking and put me down

I looked up at them puzzled as to why they let me down

"Go back to your friend" one said

I looked at them and a small smile crept up my face "thank you... but if you don't mind me asking, why are you letting me go?"

They looked at each other and then back at me, "you seem like a nice person having a rough time" the other one said

"And we don't like Will either, so we side with you" the first one chuckled.

"Well thank you" I smiled, turning and jogging back to where Ace was

Just as I was rounding the corner, I heard a gunshot.

No... not again.

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