muvas & favas

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Jelisa was so ready to cry.

Today was the day they were to fully move down to North Carolina. Everything from William's house and Elisa apartment was in the new house, ready to be put away or in storage. They only had a few things to put in William's truck such as bedding and whatever else they had lying around. Bobby was following them with things like suitcases and other bedroom furniture in his own truck. He was a traveler so the drive was nothing to him.

"I'm gonna miss you, baby," Joseph hugged his daughter tightly, kissing the top of her head.

"I know. I'm gonna miss you too, pop," she closed her eyes and didn't let go, "you're gonna be okay with the shop and stuff?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he waved a hand, "just worried about you, always."

"You don't have to worry, dad. I got Will."

"That's right," he grinned proudly, "I like that. Boy's got a good head on his shoulders."

"He does," Jelisa stared ahead at William, who was talking to Bobby, and by the looks of it, Bobby was a little bummed about something. She'd ask later.

"Where's mom?"Joseph sighed, shaking his head. Of course she wasn't coming. "Are you fucking kidding me?" she said a little loudly, balling her fists up.


"I'm about to leave," she said through her teeth, "and she doesn't even want to see me off, are you serious right now? I don't care if you don't like him, come see me. When's the next time I'm coming back? I'm not around the corner anymore."

"You think I didn't tell her that?" he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "she's hardheaded. It's why we're not working out anymore, so, this is her fault."

"This isn't fair," Jelisa pouted, sounding like a brat, "William's done nothing but treat me right and she's still holding a grudge from thirteen years ago. I'm supposed to be happy right now and I'm not. I'm pissed."

"Lisa," Joseph held her close, his hand on the side of her face, "you know I love you kid, and I know how you get. Don't think about her, it's whatever now. Focus on your future with your boyfriend. Block that negative shit."

"I just want her to like him. I do," she sniffled, "when we get married, is she gonna come to the wedding? Huh? Why is she so dumb?"

"Hey," he said sternly and Jelisa apologized, "don't focus on that, honey. Focus on me, loving you enough to let you go and be great," he chuckled while she cracked a smile, "I'll miss you like hell, you know. And you better call me."

"Yeah," it was great that Jelisa was always closer to Joseph than Wanda. He taught her just about everything that didn't have to do with menstruation or puberty. She knew a lot because of him and shared the same feelings as him, hence why she didn't express hers as much before meeting William again. She was grateful for him.

"I love you," Jelisa smiled, hugging him yet again.

"I love you, too, baby," he sighed, "call me when you get there, okay? It's a nice place from what you showed me on FaceTime."

"I love it," she closed her eyes as he wiped her tears.

"And call me if you need anything."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Goddamn it Jelisa, leave before I cry."

"Okay," they both laughed and he hugged her tightly before letting go. William was walking over towards them while Bobby hopped in his truck and started it up.

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