blackouts & nipsey

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"I can't believe the power went out," William said as he came back in his living room with a flashlight.

"It's honestly rude," Jelisa pouted, "I haven't physically seen my man in four days and when I finally come over, he doesn't pay his electricity bill."

"Jelisa, shut up," he chuckled, "It may be different now that my roommate is gone, but I pay my bills."

She simply smiled at her boyfriend, meaning no real harm of course. They both had been busy the past few days, especially since Jelisa was working longer hours due to a few other speech instructors quitting. She was on the brink of doing the same, but she had yet to find a better job.

They sat on the floor of William's living room, both MacBooks out so Jelisa could find a new source of employment. She had helped him get a new job, and now it was her turn. It was a great way of motivation, because although it was hard getting a job, he made it seem less like work trying to get her name out there.

Unfortunately, due to this blackout Jelisa had no more motivation to continue this.

"Here," Will handed her a bottle of wine and a glass before sitting beside her, "I know you're stressed."

"Thanks, babe. Anyway, are you looking for a new roommate, or--"

"I wanna see how these Georgetown checks look before I think about it, honestly," he replied, "ya boy is finna get paid some real money."

"Love it."

"Yeah, my mom--" his phone started ringing on the coffee table. He picked it up. "Here she goes. Hello?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes ma'am. Are you?" she mumbled something that made Will shake his head, "of course you heard. But. Yeah, someone ran into a pole and cut the power out. Nah, I'm with Jelisa," he shrugged, watching her open the wine bottle with just her hands, "no I was gonna ask her myself--no. No. No, mother. Because. Yes. Okay. Okay....okay. Okay."

Jelisa giggled, pouring a glass and setting the bottle on the table.

"Okay," he groaned, "I'm not, mom. No I'm not. Okay. I love you, bye," he ended the call and sighed.

"What's up?"

"Nothing really."

"What were you gonna ask me?"

"Why are you so nosy?"

"If I don't get a response I'm not making you your own sweet potato pie tomorrow."

He groaned. "Okay...would you like to come to Thanksgiving dinner with my family?"

Pause. "Wait, forreal?"

"Yeah. I mean, I thought about inviting you but I was nervous, and then my mom said she wanted to meet you, so......" he dragged, looking at his fingers, "yeah..."

"Your mom already knows me."

"As to how you got to be my girlfriend after all that shit back in the day? No. She wants to meet you, meet you. But...I mean...yeah."

"William," she said his full name just to make him look at her. She smiled. "I told you you don't have to make talking to me awkward, babe. You're nervous for nothing."

"I am?"

"Yes. Especially since I'm going to eat with your family. I should be nervous."

"I guess."

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