beignets & enemies

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Jelisa hated being too cold to function.

Meaning, she hated freezing rain and she hated walking on the sidewalk only for dirty water from the dips in the street to splash her when cars drove by. She hated when it snowed for too long and she hated having to almost break her ankle just trying to get to her car.

Jelisa decided to give up for the moment, getting under the awning of a coffee shop and folding the umbrella closed. She opened the door and stepped into a warm diner, smiling and smelling the hot cocoa and gingerbread of the small area.

She spotted an empty booth in the back and briskly walked towards it. Her sniffles were frequent, even when her jacket was pulled off and the aura around her changed drastically in the best way.

"God," she rubbed her nose and kept the gloves on. Being anemic was the worst.

"Hello," a waitress came by and smiled down at the cold girl, "I'm Yolanda, your waitress for tonight. What would you like to drink?"

"Um," she flipped to the back of the menu, "can I have a black coffee with hazelnut creamer tea? With the bag still in it?"

"Okay," she finished writing and smiled, "I'll be right back with that. Just let me know when you're ready to order."

"Thank you," she smiled back and grabbed the other menu in front of her. She wasn't so keen on buying an actual meal, but she figured it would be great to have a small dinner and breakfast the next day.

Or maybe these beignets looked too good to not eat.

Jelisa's phone buzzed on the table, startling her. She mellowed out and answered on the third ring. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Cody Brackston whispered into the phone.

"It's terrible weather out here, Cody," she whined, "I had to stop and dry off, but I'm coming."

"Please. You know I'm not good at this mom thing."

"Maleek is two. You have to have got it down packed by now."

"Shut up, Jel. You know I forget some things..."

"Your coffee and your tea, ma'am," the waitress set the two mugs down in front of Jelisa.

"Thank you--"

"You're at a restaurant?"

"Shush -- can I have four -- no -- six beignets? Three here and three to go--"


She looked past the waitress a little bit and inwardly gasped at who was calling her name.

"Actually, make them all to go, thank you," Jelisa turned back to the waitress with a tight smile, "and hurry. Please."

"I totally get it," she refrained for chuckling and scratched out a few words, "I got you, girl."

"Thank you," Jelisa kept the phone at her ear and tried not to look at William Coleman anymore. She'd been doing good since she graduated high school with this boy.

"Jelisa," she forgot she was still on the phone with Cody, "what happened just now?"

"Jelisa, I know you saw me," his voice was closer and she grimaced at him.

"Go away, please."

"Do you remember me--"

"Yes, I do. That's why I said go away--"

"Come on," he sat across from her and smiled, his straight white teeth bright against his dark skin, "you're not still mad about--"

"I'm not, William. We never liked each other in the first place and you only made it worse."

"Well, what can I do to make it up to you?"

"Here's one: leave me alone," Jelisa stood to her feet and put her coat back on. She walked to the front just as the waitress came out with her food. "Thank you."

"No problem," she rung up her order and Jelisa swiped the card, making sure to leave a tip and heading out the door.

"Jelisa!" William was behind her as she walked in the blistering cold towards her car. "Jelisa, wait."

"I need to go home--"


"William!" she turned around and glared at him, "what do you want from me?"

"I just want to apologize," he stepped forward with a sincere look on his face.

"I already accepted it."

"Then why are you still mad?"

She scoffed. "Just because I forgave you doesn't mean I need to like you. Now leave me alone," she turned to walk away but he grabbed her shoulder.

"Please, Jelisa. At least let me take you out for coffee." he let go when she turned around again.

"I'm freezing--"

"Please," he wasn't smiling anymore and she knew he was serious. William always looked smug.

Jelisa sighed and coughed at the air. "Fine."

"Great," he smiled again and she hated it, "meet me here tomorrow at noon?"

"Sure," she turned away and quickly walked down the street towards her car.

"Where have you been, girl?" Cody asked when Jelisa came home. It was almost nine at night. Past dinner time and way past when she got off work.

"You will not believe who I saw tonight," Jelisa put her coat up and took the hat off.

"William Coleman, right? I heard you on the phone before I hung up."

"He's back in town, I guess."

"I heard him and Mandy broke up."

"Who cares? I don't need him in my face," she yawned and walked ahead of her friend into the kitchen, "what did you cook?"

"Just some chicken, mashed potatoes, and string beans," she opened the pot and grabbed a plate from the cabinet, "so, I know how to get my son to sleep now."


"Tell him about my day," she grinned while Jelisa laughed, "I started with the hospital, then Starbucks, then...he fell asleep."

"He's adorable."

"I know, so," she sat the plate in front of her best friend and put a hand to her chin, "what did you talk about with William?"

"How much of a bitch he is. But I agreed to go for coffee tomorrow."

"What? That's basically going against your religion," Cody replied with a snort, "what made you do it?"

"The fact that he didn't take no for an answer and I was freezing my ass off. I had to go."

"Classic. That man trapped you."

"Shut up," she laughed, shaking her head.

I updated a lot of things since the new playlist, like the cast...cus yeah. you're welcome


btw don't steal this ty

[ya girl is gonna find some way to incorporate zayn in this story. watch]

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