broken hearts & good pussy

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"Don't talk to me Robert," Jelisa crossed her arms and glared at Bobby.

"What I do?"

"Where's your girlfriend? Y'all were supposed to come by Christmas."

"You're still on that? Christmas was like--"

"I don't care."

"Well, uh," Bobby scratched the back of his head, "it's complicated. Anyway, you going to work?"

"Yes," Jelisa wanted to punch him, "you're lucky I'm almost late."

"Yeah, bye. Where's Will?"

"Getting dressed," Jelisa put her coat on and grabbed her large handbag, "have fun you guys. And you're gonna tell me about this girl--"

"Yeah, yeah, bye, stupid," he stuck his tongue out at her before she did the same and closed the door. Bobby opened the fridge, looking for some orange juice. "William!"

"Robert!" he called back, coming downstairs a few moments later, "what's up, man?"

"Nothin' what's up with you?"


"Yeah, yeah. Where's the orange juice?"

"If it's not there then Lisa drank it," he replied, grabbing a mug and starting a cup of coffee.

"Nig--" Bobby sighed, "you got apple juice?"


"Duh," he mocked, sitting at a stool with bottle of apple juice, "anyway, what are you doing today?"

"Nothing. I don't work again until I move to Durham."

"Damn. Y'all got a house?"

"Yeah, we just came back from looking at houses and Lisa fell in love with one of them, so...we bought it."


"I guess," William sighed, patting the tattoo on his shoulder, "we've been up getting ready to merge our shit together. We packed some shit this morning, but--"

"I got a lil' tip if you're stressing about relocating," Bobby interrupted politely, "do a little bit everyday until it's done, yeah? It makes it easier, especially since you have so much off time right now."

"Thanks, Robert."

"No prob, Odessa."

"Shut the hell up."

"Never. Anyway," Bobby crossed his legs and took a large full from his cup, "so, I have an explanation as to why I couldn't come Christmas."

"Spill it," William rolled his eyes, "you never told me what happened. Jelisa and Cody were hype as fuck, too."

"Yeah, I was lying."

"What? Bobby--"

"Yeah, I was lying," he repeated, looking at his hands, "I didn't have a girl nor was I even close to it. I'm actually pretty far from it."

"Bobby," the other man sighed, staring at him, "you know you don't have to lie--"

"I felt like I did, though. It was Christmas and was at mom's again looking stupid. I went back to my place, thought about Moriah for five hours straight and cried myself to sleep," he looked up, his eyes dark, "I don't think I can move on."

"Yes you can, man, you're just not grieving right."

"'re right," he huffed, "but, it's kinda late and I'm already a mess."

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