sex & raw hotdogs

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"Lisa -- get the fuck--"

She laughed out loud, lying on top of him. "No, stop."

"That shit tickles," William giggled and held her hands to his chest, "stop."

"What tickles?" she asked slyly.

"Fucking stop, asshole," he tried pushing her away but she was persistent, "hey!"

Jelisa pulled away and looked at him. "So cute."

"I know, it's crazy," he grabbed her hand and turned them over, "you don't know when to stop huh?"

Jelisa giggled, holding his hips to hers, "you don't want me to stop."

"Nah, not really," William licked his lip, taking his hand and cupping it around her neck. Jelisa grinned happily. "You look crazy right now."

"I believe the term is 'cozy' honey."

"You're annoying."

"You love it," she hummed when he squeezed a little tighter. William bend down and kissed her neck, his tongue running along her skin and his lips kissing almost everywhere.

"I like my sex how I like my hot dogs," she couldn't stop grinning, "raw."

"Nigga, what?" William burst into laughter and sat up, "yo' salmonella havin' ass out here eating raw hotdogs?"

"Stop!" she watched him roll over and hold his stomach, he was laughing so hard for no reason. It got to the point where no sound came out, and Jelisa seriously hated him. "William."

"He took a deep breath from laughing, his back on the bed. "Never knew you were this funny."

"Now you know," she hummed, "now, let me get dressed."

"Okay," she kissed his cheek and got off the bed, grabbing her button up, "I really like these power suits you wear, babe."

"Thank you, honey," she replied, buttoning her shirt and tucking it into her slim trousers, "the mean ass receptionist said they look kinda mannish but she has a mustache, so..."

William chuckled, watching her loop the black belt on, "I mean, you do look like those college niggas trying to go to law school, butt you look more professional and less 'ain't shit.'"

Jelisa smacked her lips. "Shut up. But I'll take it."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, William," she smiled, taking the bonnet off and brushing her very short black hair, "I'm so bald."

"And fine."

"Thank you, baby."

"Um, so," Willam sat at the edge of the bed while she tried to find shoes to wear, "I, uh, I want to talk to you about something, babes. But, um, I know you're about to leave for work and this is kind of a weird time to--"

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