•Wicked Games•

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Lydia was standing by the cocktail fountain, holding a poisoned apple in her hand, she was looking at all those people. From all the girls, she was the one who had a lot of friends. Know why? Because she was the nicest, the kindest, the humblest. And yet no one was there talking to her. Everyone was too busy showing love, flirting, trying to act sober or smoking.

She may be quiet, but she is not timid. Just because she is in the background doesn't make her a wallflower, it just means she likes to observe what's going on around her. Staying out of the unruliness doesn't mean she's not fun-loving. The quiet girl still likes to go out and have a great time, but she's also the one who takes care of her friends when they have a little too much fun.

If you take some time to read her words, you might understand her better. Underneath her seemingly shy exterior she's a woman of great strength. You don't know what lies underneath that clogged mouth. There may be a deeper reason for her quietness.

She was wearing a strapless mermaid dress. It was burgundy, just like her lips. And as perfect as she looked, she seemed sad, empty. She was missing the only thing that made her life complete. Her best friend. She never would've imagine she'd have a fight with Killian, neither less because of a girl, because of that girl.

As midnight approaches, the lights turn off leaving only electric candles lighting up the enormous room, Lydia spots a man, even though the lighting wasn't that good, she could never be mistaking. She recognizd that body under any circumstances.

-" Killian!" she says, putting her hand on his shoulder. A young man in a bauta mask turns to face her. " Look Killian, I was mad at you for walking away from me, for choosing her over me, for defending her the way you used to defend me, for thinking that one day she'd become the Lydia that I am and she'll take my place, and you'd forget about me. I was mad at you for not seeing what I wanted you to see. I was mad at you because.. Because.. Because for the first time in my life, I felt that raging jealousy eating me alive like a cancer. I hate her, I have no reason to but I hate her. I feel stupid right now, but here I am, talking non-sense and making myself look like a fool. But you know what? I don't care, because I am a fool for you. So next time you wanna walk away from me, don't you dare to think that for a second, for a damn second that I won't fight for you!"


-" Can I tell you something?"

Liraz lifts her gaze, staring at the dazzling masked man standing next to her

-" I don't know, can you?" she asks

-" May I tell you something?" he corrects, looking at the pretty face with the multi-colored arlecchino mask

-" Would I want to know this thing?"

-" Probably not" he admits, hands in his pocket . " But anyway, midnight will strike soon, and I don't want you to, you know be disappointed, so I will just tell you someth-"

-" I know" she interrupted

-" You know?" Said Ace, with wide open eyes

-" I knew the second you asked me for a dance. I told you I would find you Geek"

-" Oh, Geek, jesus Christ. You recognized me. Yeah, well, guess I should've chosen another mask" he mumbled

-" It's not the mask. It's you. How did you find me?" she asks, smiling

-" Honestly?"

-" Yes"

-" I got here, and looked for the most beautiful girl in black"

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