•Masks Of Lust•

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-" You look dashing, young lady" The handsome guy told Heidi in a husky voice

-" I return the compliment. So, How come I've never seen you around?" sh asked with a fruity smile

-" Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am not always wearing a mask, love"

-" Point taken. So, you're here with someone?"

-" I am here with a friend of mine, love. Believe me; I have been forced to attend this event. But, I must say, I do not regret it now that I am enjoying your company"

He spoke with the educated and sophisticated drawl of the old world, and God knows how much Heidi loved that.

-" I can tell that you are new in town, mister?" she started

-" Please, call me Jed."

-" Jed it is. I am Heidi"

-" What a lovely name. So, what can a stranger do, to fit in this astonishing town?"

-" Befriend the people, of course. Not everyone is as snobbish as they seem, well except the doctors, the surgeons to be more specific." She said rolling her eyes.

He giggled. Dimples crinkle up the skin near his lips. "I will not look at his lips." She said to herself, wondering how can he never have used those? That's a crime against humanity right there.

-" Or, you can just ask me for help. I've been in Shadehaven all my life. I can show you every inch of this town. I am not sure everyone will be friendly, because, we aren't fans of new people. But, if you're seen with me, everybody will welcome you, warmly."

-" My pleasure, Heidi. Because my lack of communication is utterly infuriating." he said, pulling her tighter. Eying her with every bit of attention he had

Heidi was wearing a strapless champagne dress, with an A line and a low cut out that showed her perfectly attractive cleavage. Her dress was breathtaking. She even looked hotter than her mother, the host. Young or old, men were eying her, giving her mad attention. But her eyes were only focusing on one man. Her eyes were green. As green as a tropical forest. When they looked in your direction you could tell they did not only see your body but also your soul.

The man dancing with her was admiring her finest traits. She was beautiful. The way the light hit her, her blonde hair seemed to glow. Her eyes seemed to laugh. She had high cheekbones and a wide smile with the most perfect straight teeth. She had an hourglass figure and oh that dress.. He follows the movement of her hand as she slides it down her slender neck. He would have loved to have his hand just there, to see if her skin is as smooth as it looks. She took a step forward, following the dance, very lady like, She has the body of a dancer, lithe and beautiful. With every step she took, it looked as though she was floating, and he only became more convinced that he had found an angel.

-" I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow" he smiled

-" Tomorrow? How about you ask your friend to show you around?" she teased

-" He is otherwise occupied, making big decisions about honesty and what not."

He raised his left eyebrow, seen that the half mask he was wearing hid the other half of his face. She turned her head to see who was he looking at. She spots a man smirting with a girl known to be other than his girl given the disapproval on Jed's face.

-" Friends with the devil.."

-" Truth be told. He's as bad as it get"

-" Tomorrow afternoon. Step by. I'll show you around"

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