•The Art Of Manipulation•

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#So, before you guys get mad, I wanna explain something. This is a book about the popular kids, it rarely shows the feelings and emotions that the outcasts and misfits feel, so I need to write about the good and the bad side of their life. I had talked in previous chapters about their struggles, fears weaknesses and now I came down to their 'Mean side', maybe it's stereotypical or cliché, but I needed to bring to light that the Cool Kids often come at the others, pick on them or bully them. So what I wrote does not mean I am supporting their acts in any way. On the contrary, I am against it, but I can't make them look like beauty queens who have loads of money and drama in their lives, I need to uncover everything. So I hope it wasn't offending in any way, and I hope you understand. I love you guys. Thank you

#Gif on the side is Heidi Blackburn

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The knock came quietly first and then there was silence. Lydia was holding a jar of cookies in her hand as she hastily paced in front of Killian's doorstep. She was thinking of what to say once he opened the door, but it took too long. The knock was louder and faster this time, she stood facing the door and stared, unmoving.

Maybe she should ring the bell.

She rehearsed the conversation a thousand times, she needed to apologize. Now that she'd got to his door her mouth had gone dry and her heart was beating more forcefully than it usually did. She never fought with Killian, in all those years, all they did was make each other smile, she never knew what it felt like to spend a day without talking to her best friend, and now that she did, she needed to make sure that she'll never live a single day without talking to him.  She cautiously raised her finger to the buzzer, then lowered it to her side.

The door was swung open seconds after that.

-"I am sorry!" She said, looking at him with true eyes. "I am a terrible friend, I can't believe I judge a person so quick, it's not like me to do that. But I- I am sorry Killian, please?" She smiled a small smile and handed him the cookie jar

-"Now isn't a good time, Lydia" He stood in front of her, leaving the door half-open

-"Now is the perfect time, Killian. Just hear me, okay? I know, I know you like her, and that's alright, I'm just making sure that you're making the right choice, I don't want you to get hurt. That's why I got a bit defensive the other day. But I also don't know her. All I know is she's the grungy girl my best friend likes, and I shouldn't have judged her, not based on her appearance" He listened to her carefully, his face softening with each word she said, she was truly sorry, and he knew it. "I am sorry" She squeezed his arm and he smiled. "I even brought a piece offering" She motioned to the cookies.

-"I overreacted too" He finally said. The hug was a simple enough gesture – forgiveness, perhaps. The arms that held her were soft, yet strong. The feel of his body so close to hers soothed her more than she had expected.

The sound of the door opening behind them made them pull away from each other, Lydia's smile was wiped away when her eyes fell on ripped jeans and dusty boots. Her glare fell on Killian, then on Lexi, and then on Killian all over again.

-"The food's ready" Lexi mumbled before smiling at Lydia. "Hey, I'm Lexi. You must be Lydia, I've heard great things about you"

-"I haven't heard of you at all" She lied. Lexi didn't feel offended at all, she just chuckled. "You invited her to your place Killian? Your home? Since when do you keep things like this away from me? I know we weren't talking but something this big should be shared with your friends! You always share everything with me"

-"Lydia, I was going to tell you-"

-"Don't lie to me Killian sanders!" He just stood there, holding his head down while she was yelling, she would step on her toes and point her finger at him threateningly but she would never reach him, she was too small, and her little outburst looked nothing more than a little child expressing discontent. "I hope you enjoy your date, I am leaving" She turned away ready to leave before stopping right away and turning to look at Killian. "And I am taking my cookies with me" She snatched the jar from his hand and walked away.

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