"We'll see about that" he said as he threw a knife at my direction.

Someone shouted from behind as he suddenly lunged towards me with only millimeters apart from my throat. Both our hands were trembling with so much force of blocking each one's knives that beads of sweat were already on my forehead.

The fight was going nowhere. We had to save Tatiana as soon as possible.

"Mi Amico, as much as I enjoy our little fights, I have a damsel to save" I said in his face as I grabbed hold of my ever faithful combat knife from my back pocket.

Using the trick Tatiana has often done, I quickly hooked my right foot onto his, bringing him down on the floor with a thud. I brought out my spare dagger and rotated it with skillful hands as I plunged it into his leg. Pedro shouted in pain while I quickly backed off.

I was about to go to the direction of the staff's quarters when a hand grasped my ankle bringing me down on the marbled floor.

"Oh for fuck's sake"

Before I could even get through my knife, a punch already landed on my face.

I efficiently blocked his next punch as I stood quickly and positioned myself in a fighting stance.

"Can't beat me at knives huh?" I asked.

"I'd rather fight like a true man" Pedro said standing up and taking the knife out with a sharp intake of breath.

He limped but he was still determined to fight.

He threw punch after punch but I dodge every single one with such ease I actually thought my movements could pass off as 'graceful'. I chuckled at the thought.

Pedro was already grunting in pain. "What's so funny?" He asked seething.

"Nothing" I said smirking.

"You know Pedro, I'm really in such a rush, I know you miss me but we can reschedule this right?" I asked.

He looked at me with disbelieving eyes.

"Well, I'll take that as a yes" I said as I faked a punch towards his right and just as he dodged it, I threw a hard uppercut aiming straight for his jaw.

He fell backwards with a thud yet again as he was knocked out cold.

"Aw shit. That fucking hurts like a bitch" I said as I stretched and wriggled my hand. At least I looked like a badass throwing that punch.

The ball was still in chaos as most of our men were head to head with the enemies. I spotted the door to the staff quarters and made my way towards it.

Pulling out my gun, I quickly shot every man who stood in my way without a care. And once I reached the door, I entered the room only to see it looking so normal. I scanned the place with my gun ready to shoot. With every step I took, I grew more suspicious to the uncharacteristically normal way the room looked. I surveyed the area for anything out of order until I a large painting of a beautiful woman caught my attention.

I put my gun down and headed closer to the painting. She felt so familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who. She was so beautiful. She had long wavy hair that cascaded beautifully down her dress. But what caught my attention more was how piercing and hypnotizing her eyes were. As if it was pulling me closer, I neared the canvass more until I noticed it had a gap in between the frame and the wall.

Holding the painting, it revealed to be a door that lead to a dark and grimy passage.

I carefully entered the hallway, holding on the wall to guide myself in the dark until I found myself on a narrow stairway that looked like I was in some castle dungeon.

It was cold and the air in here was quite musky. I almost slipped on a slippery step filled with algae and that by far gave me a mini heart attack. I hate that feeling.

As I neared the third floor basement, I hear shouting and grunts. I quickened my phase and I was met with a large wooden door with big metal bolts.

I can hear Dimitri and Arturo shouting at each other but I couldn't make sense of their conversation. Dimitri's tone was enough to spike my worry ten times more.

I tried kicking and banging my body on the door but it wouldn't budge. I inspected the lock on the door, checking if it was possible to pick but it seems my efforts would be useless if I tried that plan. I checked my gun for bullets and satisfied to find enough. I hoped it was enough to take down this door and get to the other side.

Aiming my gun at the lock, I positioned myself the safest way I can so that the chances of the bullet ricocheting and hitting me was slim. I don't want to die by my own bullets.

Shot after shot, the lock started loosening. I ran out of bullets and tried my hardest, putting all my weight as I tried knocking down the door.

The pain from my right arm was increasing but I had to get to the both of them. Banging my body one more time, the damn door finally opened as I steadied myself only for my steps to falter as a gun sounded off.

Author's Note!

Bonjour! Ciao! Ola!

Always wanted to have a chapter in Viktor's pov. And well, here we are!

Cliffhangers? I hate reading them but then I love making them. 😅

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Toffeecrunch ❤️

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