Reliving the nightmare

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(Suggestion^) ((sorry it took forever to get out))

'Sherlock!' Johns voice screams, begging him to come down safely.

Sherlock came back, and John moved back into the flat. He's had on and off relationships, but nothing major. He was happy (and pissed off) to have Sherlock back, so he moved in with Sherlock a few weeks after his return.

They've been getting along as well as you'd imagine someone getting along with somebody whose been dead for two years, but they manage.

The night John moves back into his old flat (with much love from Ms. Hudson), John has a nightmare that made him wake up in cold sweat.

Sherlock was once again atop the building, on the phone with John. "Really John? You didn't think for it to end like this?" Crinkling from the other line.

"What did I do wrong?" John said, beginning to cry. On his dreams, he was far more venerable than when he could hide behind a touch facade.

"Everything John, God you're one of the slowest people I've known." Sherlock said, laughing. "Can't believe, why would you think I'd like you? You're just another man to help pay my rent."

"Don't worry," he continued, "you're not the only reason. George was a horrible partner-"

"Greg.." John said.

"And there's that. Always correcting me. Listen, this whole thing was irritating enough. I can't go on anymore, especially with you." John couldn't respond. His throat had swelled to the point of suffocation. "Goodbye John."

"Sherlock!" John screamed, as Sherlock dropped the phone. He jumped off the roof, as John woke up with a start. John looked around, forcing his eyes to adjust to his surroundings. "It was just a dream.. it was just.. a dream.."

As John was calming himself down, Sherlock bust through the door. "What what's wrong?" He called, looking around the room, only to find John teary eyed sitting on his bed. "What's wrong?"

"I.. nothing.. just another nightmare."

"Oh? What about?" Sherlock's guard went down, relieved nobody was in Johns room trying to kill him.

"Army." John said, too embarrassed to say his actual dream. Too embarrassed to wake up crying, probably screaming, because of Sherlock.

Sherlock opened his mouth, probably about to string off a series of facts as to why John was lying, but he summed it all up in three words. "You yelled, 'Sherlock.' He said, not moving to comfort John.

"Ya, uh, I knew a Sherlock in the army." John said, taking deep, shaky breaths.

"You never mentioned him." Sherlock said. John was about to retort, but sherlock held up a hand. "We're you dreaming about me, two years ago?" He asked. John slowly shook his head, but ended up nodding instead. "Do you um," Sherlock cleared his throat. "Do you want to sleep with me?" John looked skeptical. "When I was younger I'd sleep with Mycroft when I got nightmares and I thought it might help you."

"Ya sure, might as well give it a shot." John said.

"Really?" Sherlock asked. John was too tired to object, so instead he got out of bed and walked with Sherlock sleepily to his room.

Sherlock awkwardly got under the covers, and John did the same. Neither had ever slept with another man before that wasn't their own family, but John was too exhausted to be awkward, so he went and laid beside Sherlock, his back to the curly haired man.

Later in the night, John had once again seen Sherlock jump off the roof and was yelling his name. This time, instead of splatting the ground, Sherlock landed gracefully. He smiled at John, and went to hug him close. John woke up slowly this time, not sweating and crying. Sherlocks arm was around John, and John was snuggled up close to Sherlock.

John noticed Sherlock slowly moving, trying to get situated. Obviously Sherlock had just put his arm around John, since he was still awake. John must've been screaming his name again and woken Sherlock up. John smiled, and snuggled closer to Sherlock. His body was warm and comforting, letting John know he was safe.

"John?" Sherlock asked quietly. John didn't respond, allowing Sherlock to fall back to sleep knowing he didn't wake John. John fell back to sleep, this time, waking up from a calm rest, dreaming about him and Sherlock on a case. The smell of tea waft through the room, as he heard footsteps pad away from his door. John turned over, and saw a cup of steaming tea on the bedside table. He smiled, and rolled over to the tea and took a sip. Sherlock had gotten his tea preference just right, and he finished it pretty quickly.

"How'd you sleep?" Sherlock asked, as he read the newspaper.

"Pretty well." John said. "Do you mind if I.." John cleared his throat, and Sherlock looked up at him. "Can I sleep with you another night?"

Sherlock looked surprised by Johns question, but nod his head slightly and said, "Yeah, yeah of course." Sherlock said.


After that they went about their day like normal, cases, shooting the wall, playing board games when they get bored, watching crap telly.

And from then on, they share the same bed.

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