The Cuter Sibling

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(^the prompt I used, prompt not mine)

John walks into a messy flat like always, and pushed his way past the books and papers. He turns into the kitchen, but quickly turns back out. "John is that you?"

"Ya, ya it's me." He says, putting his keys in his pocket and hanging up his coat. "Why is it such a mess?"

"It's always a mess." Sherlock says walking out. He has goggles on and is holding something with gloved hands. "Welcome home." He smiles and gives John a kiss on the cheek, walking back to the kitchen.

John smiled and moved some books on the shelves, sitting in his chair and turning on the telly. "What are you working on?"

"Oh nothing much. Just passing the time." Sherlock called.


"Burning a tongue." John laughed and Sherlock smiled.

John got up and walked into the kitchen. "Why is that important?" He asked.

"Because I'm trying to beat Mycroft at useless information. He's like Wikipedia." He turned to John, "I'm trying to be like Bing."

"Honey, don't you think Google would be better?" John asked, making himself a cup of tea.

Sherlock stopped and stared at the wall. "Yes. Yes J suppose." He kept working, slightly burning the tongue. "It doesn't help me knowing how smart Mycroft is compared to how dumb I am."

John started laughing. "You are joking, right? Sherlock looked up at John.

"Please. Mycroft's better looking, smarter, not a druggy-" Sherlock was cut off my John.

"Cause he's got six years under his belt. He was learning six years before you. Ya he's smarter than you, because he's older. So what if he's not a druggy, you're trying your best. And I won't tolerate you saying he's better looking than you." John finishes, sipping his tea.

"Yes but Mycroft-"

"I don't care. You're still cuter love." John said.

Sherlock smiled a goofy grin, and went back to his tongue. "Thanks John." He said, catching the tongue on fire.

"Anytime love." John walked away, as Sherlock frantically tried to blow out the fire. After a few minutes of things falling in the kitchen, Sherlock came out with a cup of tea.

"He's also less clumsy than me." Sherlock said, sitting in his chair.

"Yes he is." John said, as they watched the telly till John found his way to Sherlock's chair, and they both fell asleep.

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